
B559 <=> B561 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 560]

“But even if certain of them should by chance notice something illogical in their manifestations or in the manifestations of others, then, thanks to the absence in them of the knowledge of the law of ‘typicality,’ they at best ascribe it to the particularities of the character of the given beings.

“This ‘abnormal’ particular property of their psyche was first constated by the learned beings of the city Gob of the country Maralpleicie; and even then they made it a serious and detailed branch of science which spread over the whole of the planet under the name of ‘non-responsiblemanifestations-of-personality.’

“But later, when the turn of their ‘regular-process-of-reciprocal-destruction’ came round again, this detailed branch of their science, which was then still comparatively normal, began like all their good attainments to be gradually forgotten and finally also entirely disappeared.

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