B564 <=> B566 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 565]
“From this certain age mentioned, each one of these ‘Inkliazanikshanas’ of different tempo, that is to say each ‘blood circulation,’ begins to evoke in them the functioning of one of their mentioned consciousnesses; and vice versa, the intensive functioning of either consciousness begins to evoke in them the kind of blood circulation corresponding to it.
“The difference between these two independent kinds of blood circulation in their common presences is actualized by means of what is called ‘tempo-Davlaksherian-circulation,’ or, according to the expression there of what is called contemporary medicine, the ‘difference-of-the-filling-of-the-blood-vessels’; that is to say, in the condition of the waking state, the ‘center-of-gravity-of-the-blood-pressure’ in their common presences obtains in one part of the general system of blood vessels, and in the condition of the passive state, in another part of the vessels.
“And the second fact – the fact ensuing from the abnormal conditions of the being-existence of your favorites – is that when, from the very beginning of the arising of their offspring, they intentionally try by every kind of means, for the purpose of making them respond to these abnormal conditions round them, to fix in their ‘logicnestarian-localizations’ as many impressions as possible obtained exclusively only from such artificial perceptions as are again due to the results of their abnormal existence – which maleficent action of theirs towards their offspring they call ‘education’ – then the totality of all such artificial perceptions gradually segregates itself in their common presences and acquires its own independent functioning, connected only as much with the functioning of their planetary body as is necessary merely for its automatic manifestation, and the totality of these artificial perceptions is then perceived by them, owing to their naivete, as their real ‘consciousness.’ But as for the sacred data for genuine being-consciousness put into them by Great Nature – which consciousness ought to be possessed by them from the very beginning of their preparation for responsible existence together with the properties inherent in them which engender in them the genuine sacred being-impulses of ‘faith,’ ‘hope,’ ‘love,’ and ‘conscience’ – these data, becoming gradually also isolated and being left to themselves, evolve independently of the intentions of the responsible beings, and of course also independently of the bearers of them themselves, and come to be regarded as what is called the ‘subconsciousness.’