
B580 <=> B582 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 581]

“This being-Oskolnikoo or gratitude was manifested towards me not only by those I saved and by those nearest to them, but by almost everybody who had been in this or another way in contact with me or who had heard of me, but only with the exception of those professionals among them who were their physicians.

“These latter on the contrary hated me in the extreme and would strain every nerve to impair somehow the good feelings which arose in ordinary beings towards me; and they hated me simply because I very soon became their serious rival.

“Strictly speaking, they had indeed cause to hate me, because already after only a few days of my therapeutic activities hundreds of patients used to attend my daily consultations and hundreds of others tried to become clients of mine, while my poor rivals had to sit for long periods in their famous offices and impatiently wait for any odd patient who might stray in like a ‘lost sheep.’

“They waited for these lost sheep with great impatience, because certain of these latter were transformed into what are called ‘milch cows’ from which they milk, as was already customary there, that something which they defined by the word ‘oof’ or ‘dough.’

“All the same, justice demands this to be said for them that during recent times it was indeed quite impossible to exist there without this ‘oof’ and particularly for those three-brained beings who are there the contemporary famous physicians.

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