
B585 <=> B587 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 586]

“Do you remember that at one time I told you that not one of the achievements of the beings of past generations had ever reached beings of subsequent generations?

“Well it has become aware in me that I have made a mistake about this.

“Not once during my preceding tales concerning these beings who have taken your fancy has there ever been recalled in my being-associations an event which took place there just one day before my flight forever from the surface of that planet, and which event proves that something after all did reach even your contemporary favorites from among the achievements of the beings of the remote past.

“The emanations of joy which then arose in me from my pardon by our ALL-JUST CREATOR OMNIPOTENT ENDLESSNESS and from HIS gracious permission to me to return to the bosom of my first arising must have prevented me from absorbing those impressions sufficiently intensely, for there to be in the corresponding part of my general whole such ‘completedly-crystallizeddata as should engender in beings during being-associations arising from the result of one-sourced manifestations the repetitions of what has already been sensed.

“But now, as I was speaking of this contemporary Egypt and there was revived before my ‘being-sight’ pictures of certain localities of that part of the terra firma surface of the planet which had once pleased me, the faint impressions I had previously of this said event there, became gradually coated in me into a definite awareness and to be clearly recollected in me.

“Before telling you about this event there, which cannot be described otherwise than as sadly tragic, I must for your more or less clear representations about it once more tell you something about the three-brained beings there of the continent Atlantis who then constituted the learned society under the name of Akhaldan.

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