
B594 <=> B596 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 595]

“After this talk with the important Russian being, I soon got ready, and several days after left Egypt together with him. Two weeks later we were already in the chief place of existence of this large community, in the town at that time still called ‘Saint Petersburg.’

“After we arrived there, my new acquaintance immediately gave himself up to his own affairs which had very greatly accumulated during his long absence.

“By that time, among other things, there had already been finished there the construction of that large building which was destined by the Trusteeship to this aim of struggling against alcoholism, and my new acquaintance immediately began to apply himself to the organization and preparation of all that was necessary for what they call there the ‘inauguration’ of that building and the starting of the activities connected with it.

“I began, however, during that time, to go about everywhere as is usual for me, and to frequent the beings of this city, belonging to various what are called there ‘classes,’ in order to become acquainted with the characteristic particularities of their manners and customs.

“Well, it was then that I constated, among other things, that in the presences of the beings belonging to just this contemporary community, their, as it is called, ‘Ego-Individuality’ began during the recent centuries to form itself particularly sharply dual.

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