
B631 <=> B633 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 632]

“These terrifying processes proceeded on this same Egypt so often, in consequence of the fact that this part of the surface of your planet, during the course of long periods of time, found itself in relation to the common-cosmic Harmonious-Movement in the position of what is called the ‘center-of-gravityradiations,’ and that is why the influence of the cosmic law Solioonensius often acted on the presence of the three-brained beings breeding there, and often brought forth in them such an abnormality.

“A parallel comparison of the real data concerning the events which took place on the same Egypt and those data about them which became fixed in the being-representation and understanding of almost every responsible being of famous contemporary ‘culture’ and which are known to them, as it were, thanks to their already ‘perfected reason’ might serve as an obvious illustrative example of from what general data their ‘logical mentation’ at the period of their responsible existence is built up and consists, and likewise gives me the possibility yet once again to notice and emphasize to you all the maleficence in an objective sense of their usage, which was finally fixed in the process of their ordinary existence, and which they themselves call by the high-sounding words, ‘education’ and ‘schooling’ of the growing generation.

“The point is that, among the number of all possible kinds of ephemeral fantastic informations from the totality of which, as a result, their strange Reason proper to them alone is formed there, there is likewise the history of this same Egypt.

“This fantastic history evidently thought out by some or other candidate for Hasnamuss individuals among them, was even made for them what is called an ‘obligatory subject’ in all educational establishments, in which this ‘history,’ among other similar ‘stupidities,’ is strongly ‘hammered’ into their separate concentrations for the functioning of spiritual perceptions and manifestations, that is into what they themselves would call the ‘brains’ of these unfortunate future responsible beings; and further, when they become such, these ‘fantastic-informations-learned-by-them-parrotlike’ by compulsion serve them as material for being-associations and for ‘logical-confrontative-mentation.’

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