
B641 <=> B643 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 642]

A little later Hassein, having first made quite an unintelligible grimace, and then with a voice expressing pained tenderness, turned to Beelzebub who was still continuing to think.

“Grandfather! Dear Grandfather! Manifest please aloud those informations which you have in your common presence particularly dear to me, and which you have learned during your long existence and which may serve me as material for the elucidation of that question which has just arisen in my essence, and even for the approximate representation of which I have as yet positively no data for a logical confrontation in any of the spiritualized parts of my common presence.

“This question arising in my essence, the answer to which has already become necessary to the whole of my presence, consists in this: To inquire about the reasons why, namely, if these unfortunate three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth do not have the possibility, owing to reasons not depending on themselves, of acquiring and having in the period of their responsible existence Divine Objective Reason, why since they arose so long ago and their species have continued to exist such a long time, could not those customs have been gradually formed by now, only thanks to the flow of time, in the process of their ordinary existence even under those abnormal conditions, and those proper ‘instinctive-automatic-habits’ have been acquired in the presences of every being in general, thanks to which their ordinary existence, both ‘egoistically personal’ as well as ‘collectively general’ might flow more or less tolerably in the sense of objective reality?”

Having said this, our poor Hassein began questioningly to gaze at the Cause of the Cause of his arising.

At the question of his favorite grandson, Beelzebub began to relate the following:

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