B663 <=> B665 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 664]
“Before this, namely, before my choice of the community France as the place of my permanent existence, data was formed in my common presence for just such a representation about them, because, going about everywhere and existing among the beings there of all kinds of groupings which exist at the present time on almost all terra firma parts of the surface of your planet, I frequently heard during all conversations such an opinion concerning the French beings.
“Although earlier, as I have already told you, I had sometimes been in just that community France, I had, nevertheless, on my preceding visits, paid no special attention to the particulars of the psyche of those beings and to that opinion which beings of nearly all the other communities there had about them.
“This time, however, when I settled in one of the provincial towns there, and my presence, of course, instinctively expected to perceive impressions from ‘immoral’ and ‘depraved’ manifestations of the local three-brained beings, I, to my great and ever-increasing surprise, ascertained first of all that I would not perceive anything of the kind.
“A little later, when I began to go about among them, and even to make friends with some of them and with their families, the data for this as it is called ‘automatic opinion’ about them not only began to become decrystallized in me, but there began to become crystallized in me the ‘required-being-data’ for finding out just what was the cause that data could become crystallized in the common presences of other communities for such an opinion about them which did not correspond to reality.