B684 <=> B686 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 685]
“Thanks to everything I had seen and heard in that part of the city Paris, it had become clear to me that those beings of other communities who come here to France, come first of all to this part of Paris and to other such places where everything without exception is organized and adapted especially for them by foreigners like themselves, but who had come there long before and consequently had learned to speak the local language much better than they.
“And in view of the fact that generally the capacity for being-rumination in contemporary beings becomes atrophied and what is called a ‘wide-being-horizon’ is absent, they take everything and regard everything as ‘French’ and afterwards, when they return to their community again, they always relate to other beings of their community about everything they have seen, heard, and experienced in that part of Paris as if it were entirely of French origin and that French beings did it all.
“In this way, such an opinion about the French is gradually formed in other beings, not at all corresponding to reality.
“Moreover, there is also another and deeper cause for this opinion which had been formed about the beings of the community France in the peculiar consciousnesses of the beings of other communities, and in the given case it is also based on one of the peculiarities of their general psyche. This peculiarity is acquired in them, once again thanks to that maleficent usage invented by themselves which they call ‘education.’
“The point is that there, in children, from the very first day, as they express it, of ‘their appearance on God’s earth,’ when Nature herself is still continuing to form the given prime conception of the future three-brained responsible being, they begin, by this same maleficent ‘education’ of theirs, to hinder Nature from herself producing the necessary formation.