B764 <=> B766 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 765]
“Further, when their ‘higher being-bodies’ were finally coated and all the corresponding functions had been acquired in them, and chiefly when it became possible for the data for engendering the sacred function, named ‘objective Reason,’ to become crystallized in them, which data can become crystallized exclusively only in the presences of those cosmic arisings, and when what is called ‘Rascooarno’ occurred to these ‘Tetartocosmoses’ or ‘beings,’ i.e., the separation of these diverse-natured ‘three-in-one’ formations from each other, only then did this ‘higher-being-part’ receive the possibility of uniting itself with the Cause-of-Causes of everything now existing, i.e., with our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and began to fulfill the purpose on which our ALL-EMBRACING ENDLESSNESS had placed HIS hope.
“Now it is necessary to explain to you in more detail in what successiveness this first sacred Rascooarno then occurred to these first Tetartocosmoses and how it occurs also now, to the as they are called ‘three-brained beings.’
“At first on the planet itself the ‘second-being body,’ i.e., the body–Kesdjan, together with the ‘third-being-body’ separate themselves from the ‘fundamental-planetary–body’ and, leaving this planetary body on the planet, rise both together to that sphere where those cosmic substances – from the localizations of which the body–Kesdjan of a being arises – have their place of concentration.
“And only there, at the end of a certain time, does the principal and final sacred Rascooarno occur to this two- natured arising, after which such a ‘higher being-part’ indeed becomes an independent individual with its own individual Reason. Previously – i.e., before the Choot-God-Litanical period – this sacred cosmic actualization, was, only after this second process of the sacred Rascooarno, either thought worthy of uniting with the presence of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute or went into other cosmic concentrations where such independent holy Individuals were needed.