
B776 <=> B778 [BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 777]

“And afterwards, in their transmission from generation to generation by inheritance, they gradually began to be crystallized into such monstrous ‘logicnestarian-materials,’ with the result that in the psyche of the contemporary three-brained beings there, there began to proceed such an already exceptionally distorted being-Aimnophnian-mentation.

“And the reason that they picture their ‘God’ to themselves just with a long beard was due to the fact that then, among the maleficent inventions of the Babylonian ‘learned,’ it was said among other things that that famous ‘God’ of theirs had, as it were, the appearance of a very old man, just with a heavy beard.

“But concerning the appearance of their ‘God,’ your favorites have gone still further. Namely, they picture this famous ‘God’ of theirs exactly as an ‘old Jew,’ since in their bobtailed notions, all sacred personages originated from that race.

“At any rate, my little Hassein, each of your favorites, separately, is, in his whole presence, exactly similar in every respect to our Megalocosmos.

“I once told you that there is localized in the head of each one of them as well as in us a concentration of corresponding cosmic substances, all the functioning of which exactly corresponds to all those functions and purposes which our Most Most Holy Protocosmos has, and fulfills, for the whole of the Megalocosmos.

“This localization, which is concentrated in their head, they call the ‘head-brain.’ The separate, what are called ‘Okaniaki’ or ‘protoplasts’ of this localization in their head, or as the terrestrial learned call them, the ‘cells-of-the-head-brain,’ actualize for the whole presence of each of them exactly such a purpose as is fulfilled at the present time by the ‘higher-perfected-bodies’ of three-brained beings from the whole of our Great Universe, who have already united themselves with the Most Holy Sun Absolute or Protocosmos.

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