
B786 <=> B788 [BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 787]

“From there, this totality which has the ‘gravity center vibration’ of being-Protoëry, passing – thanks again only to the process Harnelmiatznel – over the whole of what is called the ‘intestinal tract’ and gradually evolving, completedly acquires in consequence corresponding vibrations, and is this time completely transmuted in what is called the ‘duodenum’ into ‘being-Defteroëry.’

“Further, a part of these definite substances of ‘being-Defteroëry’ go to serve the planetary body itself and also the local Harnelmiatznel in respect of the newly entering food, but the other part, also by means of a process of Harnelmiatznel of local character, continues its independent evolution and is ultimately transmuted in beings into the still higher definite substances which are called, this time, ‘being-Tritoëry.’

“And this totality of cosmic substances, temporarily crystallized in the common presences of ‘beings-apparatuses which correspond in their vibrations to ‘being-Tritoëry,’ have as the gravity-center place of their concentration in the presences of being the, what is called, ‘liver.’

“It is just in this place of the being-Ansanbaluiazar that the lower ‘Mdnel-In’ of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh is located, called the ‘mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-In,’ and therefore the substances of the being-Tritoëry cannot, only owing to the process ‘Harnelmiatznel,’ independently evolve further.

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