B797 <=> B799 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 798]
“And this admixture of extraneously caused arisings began to be obtained in the sacred Theomertmalogos owing to the following and I must add unforeseen causes.
“When each separate ‘higher-perfected-being-body’ becomes an independent Individual and acquires in itself its own law of Sacred Triamazikamno it begins to emanate similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute but in miniature; and when many of these perfected independent Sacred Individuals had been assembled on the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, then between the emanations of these Sacred Individuals and the atmosphere of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute there was established what is called a ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ and those results were obtained which brought on this terrifying misfortune for the ‘higher-being-perfected-parts’ of which I have already told you.
“Thereupon the action of the results of this ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ soon became harmonized with the already existing actions of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, and from that time the sacred Theomertmalogos began to issue changed, but nevertheless the primary consequences of the results of this contact had already had time during a certain period to change the harmonious movement of many solar systems and to produce a disharmony in the inner functioning of certain of their planets.
“It was just then that there became separated from the solar system called Khlarfogo that famous planet which exists alone in space and has quite exceptional particularities and which is at the present time called Remorse-of-Conscience.