B798 <=> B800 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 799]
“This Geneotriamazikamnian contact occurred because, in the atmosphere itself of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, various-sourced unusual vibrations began, as I have already said, to issue from these higher being-bodies and to unite with the emanations of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and together with them also to penetrate everywhere in the Megalocosmos and to reach even to those planets on which higher being-bodies were continuing to arise in beings; and these unusual vibrations began to be transformed and crystallized together with the sacred Theomertmalogos and to take part in the coating of the ‘higher-parts’ in the beings.
“And it was from this time on, that these sacred arisings began to have in their presences special properties which were obtained from this, that certain manifestations of other parts of the given being, in whom these sacred arisings were coated, began to enter and to be assimilated in the composition of the presences of these higher parts and to give also very unusual results which afterwards came to be called and are called until now ‘sins-of-the-body-of-the-soul.’
“Just these same various results served as a cause for this, that these cosmic formations, even if they had in their perfecting reached to the required gradation of Objective Reason, yet they had ceased to correspond in their common presences to the conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Most Holy Protocosmos, and from that time on they lost the possibility of being deemed worthy to unite themselves with it.
“Well, then, when this helpless position of these higher being-bodies who had become ‘independent-cosmic Sacred Individuals’ perfected in Reason, but who were not corresponding in their presences, first became apparent, our ALL-LOVING CREATOR, being infinitely just and merciful, quickly began to take all corresponding measures concerning such an unforeseen and sorrowful phenomenon.