
B800 <=> B802 [BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 801]

“In the common presences of these unfortunate higher being-bodies now existing on this holy planet, perfected in Reason to the highest limit attainable by ordinary higher cosmic Individuals, there is only this single datum, which sometimes engenders in them the impulse of hope, and that is that they may at some time purify themselves and obtain the happiness of uniting with and becoming a part of that ‘Greatness’ which our OMNIPOTENT ALL-JUST COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS actualizes for the welfare and happiness of everything existing in our Great Megalocosmos.

“Here it is interesting to notice, that almost all three-brained beings arising on all the various planets of our Great Megalocosmos either know of or instinctively sense the holy planet Purgatory; it is only the three-brained beings arising on your planet who do not know of it, however only most of those who arose towards the end of the existence of the continent Atlantis and after its loss did not and do not know of it.

“As soon as all three-brained beings of our Megalocosmos without distinction of exterior coating acquire any degree of self-awareness, they already begin consciously or instinctively to dream of going on to that holy planet, in order later to have the happiness to become a particle of that Greatness, the blending with which must sooner or later be the lot of every already arisen essence; and three-brained beings who have attained to an already greater self-awareness always eagerly and even joyfully permit during their ordinary-being-existence, for the realization of these dreams of theirs, those unpleasantnesses to their presences which proceed from the accepted privations to their planetary body, because such beings already well understand and instinctively feel that this lower being-body of theirs is, in their own sacred cosmic law of Triamazikamno, the indispensable source for a certain kind of denying manifestation, and as such, of course, always must and will manifest only as denying for their affirming part, that is, that the manifestation of this lower part of theirs must obligatorily be always opposite to what is required for them by their higher being-part.

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