B828 <=> B830 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 829]
“And for the definition of the active elements of the Polormedekhtian product called opium they added only the number of their, what is called, ‘specific gravity.’
“And to define specific-vibration and specific gravity, these great terrestrial learned beings took as the standard unit the unit of vibrations of sound, then first called by them the ‘Nirioonossian-world-sound.’
“I will explain to you a little later about the meaning of the definition Nirioonossian-world-sound first adopted by the then great learned beings of the Earth, but meanwhile for the clarity of the understanding of my subsequent elucidations of the given theme, you must also know that everywhere on the planets genuine scientists take as the standard unit for their confrontative calculations of specific gravity and specific-vibrations that part, established by objective science, of the most most sacred Theomertmalogos which still contains all the fullness of what is called the ‘vivifyingness’ of all the three holy forces of the sacred Triamazikamno; but on your planet genuine scientists as well as those of new formation of all periods took and until today still take, as such a standard unit, what is called the ‘atom of Hydrogen,’ for the same purpose – namely, for the confrontative calculations of all those diversely propertied definite parts of some or other whole which had become known to them, as for instance, for the specific gravity of various active elements which had become known to them among the number which ought to be present in the spheres surrounding their existence – considering this atom of Hydrogen for some unknown reason to be in general the smallest and also indivisible.
“It must not be overlooked that these sorry scientists from among your favorites do not even suspect that if this atom of Hydrogen of theirs is indeed the smallest and indivisible, there in all spheres of their planet, then this does not mean that it cannot be broken up many times more within the limits of other solar systems or even in the spheres of certain other planets of their own solar system.