
B830 <=> B832 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 831]

(1) Hydrogen

(2) Fluorine

(3) Chlorine

(4) Bromine

(5) Iodine

“For the last two definite crystallizations they have no names at all because their names did not reach them from their ancestors, and at the present time they even do not suspect the existence on their planet of these two cosmic substances, although these two cosmic substances are the principal necessary factors for their own existence.

“These two latter cosmic substances which might be quite tangible and quite accessible in all spheres of their planet, were still known only about two centuries ago among the ‘scientific beings’ there, who were then called ‘alchemists’ – but whom the contemporary ‘comic-scientists’ simply call ‘occult-charlatans,’ considering them to be only ‘exploiters of human naivete’ – and were called by them ‘Hydro-oomiak’ and ‘Petrkarmak.’

“And so, my boy, these great terrestrial learned beings now Saints, the twin brothers Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel, were the first after the loss of Atlantis to lay anew the foundation of this knowledge. They not only laid anew the foundation of this ‘totality-of-special-information’ but they were even the first there on Earth who also constated two of the three chief law-conformable particularities present in that great law about which I have already spoken to you, and, namely, they were the first to constate two of its Mdnel-Ins; they then called that branch of genuine knowledge, similar to that which on the continent of Atlantis was called the ‘seven-aspectness-of-every-whole-phenomenon,’ the law of ‘ninefoldness’ and they called it thus because they added to the seven obvious ‘different-manifestations,’ called by them ‘Dooczako,’ of this great law, these two particularities first constated by them and named by them ‘Sooanso-Toorabizo,’ which name meant ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole.’ And they named this law thus, chiefly because during their detailed researches they became convinced beyond all doubt that in all the cosmic ‘transitory results’ they investigated, these particularities first constated by them likewise obligatorily always proceed in certain places of the process of this great law.

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