
B846 <=> B848 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 847]

“At the present time some information relating to this law still continues to pass down and to become known only to certain of the three-brained beings there who belong to the group of beings there named ‘Persians’ but now that the influence of what is called contemporary ‘European paintings’ is automatically spreading more and more widely in this group then one must of course expect there the speedy and also total, as our esteemed teacher says, ‘evaporation’ of this information.

“And as regards the ‘seven-toned scale of sound’ which had reached them from the ancient Chinese beings, then you must be informed about this as detailedly as possible, because first of all, thanks to this information, you will better understand about the laws of vibrations in which all the peculiarities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh can be constated and cognized; and secondly, because, among those things intentionally reproduced by those same three-brained beings of yours, who have taken your fancy, for daily use in their general existence, I brought home from there also one ‘sound-producing instrument’ named there ‘piano’ on which the vibration-engendering ‘strings’ were placed which could be arranged just as on the Dzendvokh, that is the second special part of the famous experimental apparatus Alla-attapan, which was created by the great twin brothers and on which, when we return on to our dear Karatas, I shall be able to explain to you by demonstration, what is called, the ‘successiveness-of-the-processes-of-the-mutual-blending-of-vibrations.’ Thanks to these practical explanations of mine you will more easily be able to represent to yourself and approximately to cognize just how and in which successiveness in our great Megalocosmos the process of the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat proceeds and in what way the large and small cosmic concentrations arise.

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