
B868 <=> B870 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 869]

“On this piano vibrations of extraneous origin come through different shocks and tremblings and for the greater part from what are called aerial vibrations of inertia, which are generally formed in the atmospheric space by the natural vibrations already referred to.

“It is necessary at this point in connection with the actualization of the fifth Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh to trace a parallel between two processes which externally have nothing in common with one another, namely: in the same manner as the first being-food cannot acquire its vivifying power until after its transformation into being-piandjiehari, in the same manner on this piano the vibrations of a chord do not acquire a corresponding vivifying power until they have been fused with the preceding vibrations produced, starting from the center of gravity of the totality of the vibrations of the note ‘sol.’

“This last particularity of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh is absolutely certain in this given case, that is to say on the piano, but uniquely in consequence of the fact that if the vibrations of ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ are produced in a hermetically sealed room, these vibrations either cease instantaneously or else the notes ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ by reason of the momentum obtained from the first shock given for their rising undergo involution and immediately cease, that is to say as soon as the note ‘mi’ reaches the note ‘do’ and the note ‘ti’ the lower ‘fa.’

“In conclusion of the explanations that I have already given you relating to the subdivision into seven tones of the octave of sound which exists among your favorites, I must once again, alas, insist on this fact that if anything has remained and reached them of this knowledge, they have forgotten everything that was essential and always for the same reason: the disappearance from their presences of the practice of actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty, the same disappearance which is the very cause of the gradual deterioration in them of the mentation proper to three-brained beings.”

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