
B892 <=> B894 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 893]

Hadji-Asvatz-Troov continued:

“’At first me made our experiments with the aid of this vibrosho alone, but one day when my friend Kerbalai-Azis-Nuaran was in the Bokharan town of X on business, he happened to see a grand piano there at an auction sale of a number of things belonging to a Russian general who had left, and noticing by chance that its strings were made of just the metal needed for our experiments, he bought it and afterwards, of course with great difficulty, brought it up here into the mountains.

“’When we had placed this grand piano here, we tuned its strings exactly according to those laws of vibrations indicated in the ancient Chinese science Shat-Chai-Mernis.

“’For the correct tuning of the strings we there not only took the absolute sound of the ancient Chinese note “do,” but also, as that same science recommended, took into account the local geographical conditions, the pressure of the atmosphere, the form and dimensions of the interior, and the mean temperature of the surrounding space as well as of the interior itself and so on, and we even took into consideration from how many people human radiations might issue in this interior during our proposed experiments.

“’And when we had thus exactly tuned this grand piano, then from that moment indeed, the vibrations issuing from it immediately acquired all those properties mentioned in the said great science.

“’I will now demonstrate what it is possible to do with a knowledge of the laws of vibration attained by man, and with the vibrations issuing from this ordinary grand piano.’

“Having said this, he again stood up.

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