
B906 <=> B908 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 907]

“He demonstrated and explained, among other things, also several experiments proving the harmful action on terrestrial contemporary being of those causes which they themselves, as if intentionally, produce, especially in recent times, in great quantity – namely, what they call ‘works of art.’

“Among these latter were ‘pictures,’ ‘statues,’ and of course their famous music.

“From all the experiments demonstrated by this sage, it became clear that the most harmful vibrations, however, for contemporary terrestrial three-brained beings are those formed in them from their what are called ‘medical remedies.’

“I stayed in the underground domain of this truly learned being four terrestrial days, after which, with the dervish Bogga-Eddin, I returned again to that Bokharan town from which we had come; and thus ended my first meeting with him.

“During those four days he further demonstrated and explained to us much more concerning the ‘laws of vibrations’; but the most interesting thing for me personally was his last explanation about why and how, in that wild place remote from any place of the grouping of contemporary terrestrial beings, in this underground domain of his, there came to be gas and electric lighting.

“During this account of his, while elucidating a certain fact, this highly sympathetic terrestrial three-brained being could not restrain himself, for sincere tears suddenly began to flow, which then so touched me that even now I cannot forget it.

“Information about certain data elucidated by this account of his can serve for your further existence as good material for corresponding confrontations and for the elucidation of all the results of what are called ‘subjective destiny,’ that is to say, of those results which in general occur in our Great Megalocosmos where a multitude of relatively independent separate individuals arise and exist together.

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