
B909 <=> B911 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 910]

“’And the chance inflammation somehow of this gas must obviously have been the cause of the display there of that undying fire.

“’When my friend and I had made this cause definitely clear to ourselves and had at the same time discovered that the said spring was located not far from our cave, we decided to give an artificial outlet to that gas into these caves of ours.

“’And so, from then on this gas flowed through the pipes of clay we laid, here into the main section of our cave, and from there we distributed it by means of “bamboos” according to our needs.

“’As for the appearance in our caves of electric lighting, the history of its origin is as follows:

“’Soon after we had settled in these caves, there once came to see me through a very old friend of mine also a dervish, a still very young European traveler who sought my acquaintance on account of always this same action of the laws of vibrations which interested me.

“’We were soon close friends, as he turned out to be firstly, very serious in the search for truth, and secondly, very kind and “susceptible regarding the weaknesses of all others without exception.”

“’He was studying the laws of vibrations in general; but his studies were primarily of those “laws of vibrations” which cause the formation of various diseases in people.

“’During these studies of his, he among other things made clear the causes of the arising in people of the disease existing there under the name of “cancer,” and the possibility of destroying in people this malignant arising.

“’He then constated and could already actualize in practice the possibility that, by a certain mode of life and a certain preparation, any man can consciously elaborate in himself vibrations by means of which, if he saturates the person infected with this terrible disease with those vibrations in a certain way and in a certain successiveness of the flow of time, it is possible to destroy it entirely.

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