
B910 <=> B912 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 911]

“’Although afterwards, when we parted, we did not meet again for a long time, we always had news of one another.

“’I knew that this young friend of mine, soon after we parted, married in his native country and lived with his wife during the following years in full, as we say here in Asia, “family love and mutual moral support.”

“’I was particularly interested in news of him which concerned his attainments in respect of the discovery of a cure for destroying in people just the aforesaid curse, because the causes of the arising of just those vibrations, owing to which data for that disease are crystallized, were closely related to the causes the elucidation of the vibrations of which were lately the chief interest in my life.

“’I already knew that although he had not yet discovered any commonly accessible means of bringing about the destruction of that disease, yet according to trustworthy reports which frequently reached me, he employed for those who fell ill with this disease the not commonly accessible practicable cures which he had first constated, and their actualization in practice which he had attained, and he had always achieved the complete destruction of this terrible human scourge.

“’I received very authentic information about these favorable results achieved by him in some tens of cases during that time.

“’Then it happened that for reasons not dependent on either of us, I had no information about that young European, for about ten years.

“’I was already beginning to forget his existence entirely when once, while I was specially absorbed in my occupations, I heard someone give our secret signal, and when I called and asked who was there, I at once recognized his voice; he asked me to make the way accessible for him to enter our underground domain.

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