
B951 <=> B953 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 952]

“They began employing every possible means to, so to say, deform this divine grain in order to give to its product a ‘beautiful and striking appearance.’

“For this purpose they invented a variety of machines by means of which they ‘scrape,’ ‘comb,’ ‘smooth,’ and ‘polish’ this wheat, which has the misfortune to arise on their continent, until they accomplish the complete destruction of all those active elements concentrated on the surface of the grains just underneath what is called the ‘husk’ and precisely which are appointed by Great Nature for renewing in the common presences of beings what they have expended in worthily serving her.

“Hence, it is, my boy, that the prosphora or bread now produced there from this wheat which arises in such abundance on this continent, contains nothing useful to the beings who consume it, and from its consumption there is produced in their presences nothing but noxious gases and what are called there ‘worms.’

“However, it must in all fairness be remarked, that if they got for themselves from this wheat nothing that enables them to serve Great Nature better or more consciously, nevertheless, by producing in themselves the said ‘worms,’ they do unconsciously very very greatly assist their planet in honorable service to the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat – for are not these worms also beings through whom cosmic substances are also transformed?

“At any rate, the beings breeding on this continent have already achieved by these wiseacrings of theirs with this bread, what they have greatly desired and striven to obtain, and, namely, that the beings of all the other continents should never fail to say of them, as, for instance, in the given case, something as follows:

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