B979 <=> B981 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 980]
“’Thus it came about that every time I began to feel the same unpleasant sensation I began to drink this alcohol, even with a feeling of some self-justification, and in this way became gradually accustomed to this, as you have quite justly called it, poison.’
“Having said this with a perceptive impulse of heartfelt grief, he paused a while to puff at his cigarette mixed with ‘Tambak,’ and, taking this opportunity, I asked him as follows:
“’Well, all right . . . let us assume I have more or less understood your explanation of your inexcusable drunkenness, and can put myself in your position, but what do you say about your other, and, from my point of view, also inexcusable vice, namely, your “petticoat drooling?”
“’Why! You run after every petticoat if only it hangs about someone with long hair!’
“At this question of mine, he, sighing deeply, resumed his speaking as follows:
“’It seems to me that I got this habit, as well, partly for the reason I mentioned, but I think this weakness of mine can be explained by still another very interesting psychological cause.’
“Of course I expressed the desire to hear him, but first I suggested our going inside that Grand Cafe into the hall of the restaurant itself, as it was already getting damp out of doors.