
“After the need to actualize being-Partkdolg-duty in themselves had entirely disappeared from the presences of most of them, and every kind of association of unavoidably perceived shocks began to proceed in the process of their waking state only from several already automatized what are called ‘series-of-former-imprints’ consisting of endlessly repeated what are called ‘impressions-experienced-long-ago’, there then began to disappear in them and still continues to disappear even the instinctive need to perceive every kind of new shock vital for three-brained beings, and which issue either from their inner separate spiritualized being-parts or from corresponding perceptions coming from without for conscious associations, for just those being-associations upon which depends the intensity in the presences of beings of the transformation of every kind of ‘being-energy’.BTG XXX

“Well then, when your favorites, existing in such a manner in their ‘daily life’ go to these contemporary theaters and follow the senseless manipulations of these contemporary actors, and receive ‘shocks’ one after the other from every kind of reminiscence, already previously perceived, of not less senseless and absurd notions, then during this waking state of theirs, they willy-nilly obtain more or less tolerable being-associations, so that when they go home and go to bed they sleep much better than usual.BTG XXX

“Namely, when they receive a large number of accidentally corresponding shocks for stimulating the shocks already fixed, and previously perceived and automatized in a series of impressions, and when they reflex these with the functioning of what are called ‘organs-of-digestion-and-sex’, then, in consequence, obstacles arise in their presences for the proceeding even of those pitiable conscious being-associations which have already somehow become automatized to produce in them a more or less correct tempo for the transformation of the substances required for that passive existence of theirs, during which there must be transformed substances required for their active existence.BTG XXX

“The emanations of joy which then arose in me from my pardon by our ALL-JUST CREATOR OMNlPOTENT ENDLESSNESS and from His gracious permission to me to return to the bosom of my first arising must have prevented me from absorbing those impressions sufficiently intensely, for there to be in the corresponding part of my general whole such ‘completedly-crystallizeddata as should engender in beings during being-associations arising from the result of one-sourced manifestations the repetitions of what has already been sensed.BTG XXXIII

“This fantastic history evidently thought out by some or other candidate for Hasnamuss individuals among them, was even made for them what is called an ‘obligatory subject’ in all educational establishments, in which this ‘history’, among other similar ‘stupidities’, is strongly ‘hammered’ into their separate concentrations for the functioning of spiritual perceptions and manifestations, that is into what they themselves would call the ‘brains’ of these unfortunate future responsible beings; and further when they become such, these ‘fantastic-informations-learned-by-them-parrotlike by compulsion serve them as material for being-associations and for ‘logical-confrontative-mentation’.BTG XXXIV

“From Chicago I returned again to New York and as all my projects for the fulfillment of which I had come to this continent were then unexpectedly rapidly and rather successfully actualized, and seeing that the surrounding circumstances and conditions of the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings of that city turned out to be corresponding to what was required for my periodic complete rest which had already become customary for me during my last personal sojourn on the surface of your planet, I decided to stay there longer and exist with the beings there merely according to the being-associations inevitably flowing in me.BTG XLII

“In the present case, if only a few of these unfortunates possessed this instinct proper to three-brained beings, they might then – if only thanks merely to habitual accidental being-associations and confrontations – first, themselves become aware, and afterwards inform all the rest, that as soon as the prime connection with common Nature of any product in general serviceable as a first being-food is severed, then no matter if this product be kept completely isolated, that is to say ‘hermetically sealed’, ‘frozen’, or ‘essensified’, it must like everything else in the Universe change its form and decompose according to the same principle and in the same order in which it was formed.BTG XLII

“When this maleficent idea there gradually took on such a definite form and began to be for the psyche of your favorites what is called an ‘actualizing factor’ for the crystallization in their common presences of data for the fantastic notion, namely, that outside of them there exist, as it were, objective sources of ‘Good and Evil’ acting upon their essence; then from that time on, other peculiar data – at first spontaneously and later through their strange consciousness – began to be crystallized in the general psyche of each of them, which data, owing to automatic being-associations, engender the conviction that the causes of all their manifestations, both good and bad, are not they themselves personally nor their own criminal essence-egoism, but some or other external foreign influences not depending on them at all.BTG XLIV

“When at the beginning of our journey I noticed that you were very interested in the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, I then decided, under the aspect of gratifying that interest of yours, to tell you everything about them in such a way so that there should be crystallized in you for your future being-associations the required what are called ‘Egoplastikoori’, without any admixture of doubt.BTG XLVI

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