
“Owing to the said maleficent disease ‘tomorrow’ most of those unfortunate beings there who accidentally or owing to a conscious influence from without, become aware through their Reason in them of their complete nullity and begin to sense it with all their separate spiritualized parts, and who also chance to learn which and, in what way, being-efforts must be made in order to become such as it is proper for three-brained beings to be, also, by putting off from ‘tomorrow till tomorrow’, almost all arrive at the point that on one sorrowful day for themselves, there arise in them and begin to be manifest those forerunners of old age called ‘feebleness’ and ‘infirmity’, which are the inevitable lot of all cosmic formations great and small toward the end of their completed existence.BTG XXVI

“But needless to say, nothing can result from such desires of theirs just because it is already too late for them, the time given them for this purpose by Great Nature having already passed; and although they see and feel the necessity of actualizing the required being-efforts, yet for the fulfillment of such desires of theirs, they have now only ineffectual yearnings and the ‘lawful-infirmities-of-old-age’.BTG XXVI

“If these separate aspects of the entire ‘spectrum’ of Naloo-osnian-impulses are described according to the notions of your favorites and expressed in their language, they might then be defined as follows: (1) Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious (2) The feeling of self-satisfaction from leading others astray (3) The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures (4) The urge to become free from the necessity of actualizing the being-efforts demanded by Nature (5) The attempt by every kind of artificiality to conceal from others what in their opinion are one’s physical defects (6) The calm self-contentment in the use of what is not personally deserved (7) The striving to be not what one is.BTG XXVIII

“According to this principle, the duration of being-existence and also the whole of the contents of their common presences are in general acquired from the results arising from the following seven actualizations surrounding them, namely, from: (1) Heredity in general ( 2 ) Conditions and environment at the moment of conception (3) The combination of the radiations of all the planets of their solar system during their formation in the womb of their productress (4) The degree of being-manifestation of their producers during the period they are attaining the age of responsible being ( 5 ) The quality of being-existence similar to themselves around them (6) The quality of what are called the ‘Teleokrimalnichnian’ thought-waves formed in the atmosphere surrounding them also during their period of attaining the age of majority – that is, the sincerely manifested good wishes and actions on the part of what are called the ‘beings-of-the-same-blood’, and finally, (7) The quality of what are called the being egoplastikoori of the given being himself, that is his being-efforts for the transubstantiation in himself of all the data for obtaining objective Reason.BTG XXIX

“And other beings of these groupings, also not wishing for the same reasons personally to produce these ‘being-efforts’, no, not even for others, and at the same time being afraid of the mentioned terrifying means of the beings of the ruling class, begin to have recourse to all kinds of cunning in order, as is said there, to ‘load-on-one-another’s-backs’ such being-efforts as are inevitably required for the beings of the ruling class.BTG XXXIV

“And such a nonsensical ‘literal’ understanding proceeds in them, of course, always owing to the fact that they have entirely ceased to produce in their common presences Partkdolg-duty, which should be actualized by being-efforts, which in their turn, alone crystallize in the three-brained beings data for the capacity of genuine being-pondering.BTG XXXVIII

“Such a superpeculiar being-Aimnophnian-mentation about their ‘God’ proceeded in your favorites chiefly from the Hasnamussian manifestations of those ‘learned’ beings who, you remember, I have already told you, assembled in the city of Babylon and collectively began to invent various maleficent fictions concerning their ‘God’, which were afterwards by chance widely spread everywhere on that ill-fated planet. And in view of the fact that that period coincided with the time when the three-brained beings there began to exist particularly ‘Selzelnualno’, i.e., particularly ‘passively’, in the sense of the being-efforts proper to three-centered beings, therefore these maleficent inventions were thoroughly absorbed and appropriated by the beings.BTG XXXIX

“And this abnormality proceeded in the ordinary process of being-existence of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy – in this instance, in the case of this new group – and continues to be spread and to be fixed everywhere there, also of course in consequence of the fact that, subsequent to the time, when they – that is to say, when all the three-brained beings in general of that planet of yours – had ceased to actualize in themselves the indispensable being-efforts, there was then gradually destroyed in them the possibility for the crystallization in their common presences of those being-data thanks to which, even in the absence of the guidance of true knowledge, the maleficence for themselves of any of their manifestations can be sensed instinctively.BTG XLII

The point is, that just as the separate independent parts of a “hackney” are connected – namely, the carriage to the horse by the shafts and the horse to the coachman by reins – so also are the separate parts of the general organization of man connected with each other, namely the body is connected to the feeling-organization by the blood, and the feeling-organization is connected to the organization actualizing the functioning of mentation or consciousness by what is called Hanbledzoin, that is, by that substance which arises in the common presence of a man from all intentionally made being-efforts.BTG XLVIII

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