”When these evolving active elements, in their returning ascent from the last Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, enter into the common presences of being-apparatuses as their first being-food, they begin already from the mouth itself – with the help of the processes of the second-grade law Harnelmiatznel, that is, owing to mixture and fusion according to the ‘affinity of vibrations’, with the active elements which have already evolved in the presences of the beings and have acquired vibrations corresponding to the subsequent Stopinders of the being-Heptaparaparshinokh – to be gradually changed, and are transmuted this time in the stomach of the beings into definite active elements named ‘being-Protoëhary’, which correspond in their vibrations to the ascending fourth Stopinder of the fundamental common-cosmic Heptaparaparshinokh.BTG XXXIX
“And then the substances of this ‘Astralnomonian-Protoëhary’, entering into the presences of beings for their own evolution and having still in themselves, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, all the possibilities of evolving from their centers of gravity by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, mix with the totality of substances of the first being-food which have already evolved up to the third Stopinder of the Sacred being-Heptaparaparshinokh, and further evolve together, and thus help these substances of the first being-food to pass through the lower ‘mechano-coinciding-Mdnel-ln’ and to be transmuted into other definite substances, into ‘being-Tetartoëhary’, end the ‘Astralnomonian-Protoëhary’ itself is transmuted into the substances named ‘Astralnomonian-Defteroëhary’.BTG XXXIX
“And so, my boy, this totality of their first being-food which results from the evolution in these beings-apparatuses, corresponds with its vibrations to the last Stopinder of the being-Heptaparaparshinokh, and according to the particularity of this Stopinder, it enters the ‘higher-intentionally-actualizing-Mdnel-In’ of the law of Heptaparaparshinokh; and in order to transform completely into new higher substances and in order to acquire vibrations corresponding to the vibrations of the next higher vivifyingness, namely, corresponding to the fifth Stopinder of the fundamental process of the common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, it inevitably requires just that foreign help which is actualized only in the presences of the three-brained beings exclusively owing to those factors mentioned by me more than once and which are manifested in the ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, that is, owing to just those factors which our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ENDLESSNESS consented to foreordain to be the means by which certain of the Tetartocosmoses – as a final result of their serving the purposes of the common-cosmic Iraniranumange – might become helpers in the ruling of the enlarged World, and which factors also until now serve as the sole possible means for the assimilation of the cosmic substances required for the coating and perfecting of the higher being-bodies and which we at the present time call ‘conscious labors’ and ‘intentional suffering’.BTG XXXIX