“Thanks to the sciences invented by the ancient Greeks, only the being-mentation of other beings was spoiled and still continues to be spoiled. BTG XXIX
“I will not, like His Right Reverence, relate to you in detail about any particular oddity of the psyche of those three-brained beings of our Great Universe who have taken your fancy. No, I will only remind His Right Reverence of one factor, the cause of which arose during our fifth stay on the surface of that planet, and which, when we were there for the sixth and last time, had become the chief cause why, in every one of those favorites of yours, from the very first day of their arising until their formation as responsible beings, their ableness of normal being-mentation is step by step distorted and finally transformed almost into a ‘Kaltusara’”. BTG XXX
With an affectionate glance, Beelzebub looked at him and said: “Thank you, old man, for reminding me of this. It is true that I have scarcely even mentioned that indeed harmful factor – created also by them themselves – for the final atrophy even of those data for their being-mentation which by chance have still survived. BTG XXX
“Well then, on the third day after my enrollment as a member of this club, there was uttered for the first time that word which has chanced to reach contemporary beings there and which has become one of the potent factors for the total atrophy of all the still surviving data for more or less normal logical being-mentation, namely, the word ‘art’ which was then used in a different sense and whose definition referred to quite a different idea and had quite another meaning. BTG XXX
“And indeed, my boy, during these processes, they usually instinctively at first refrain from such an unnatural manifestation, but later when every one of them already in the environment of the process itself willy-nilly sees and becomes convinced that the destruction of the existence of those similar to themselves proceeds so simply, and that the number of the destroyed always grows and grows – well then, each of them involuntarily begins instinctively to feel and automatically to value his own existence And having become persuaded by his own eyes that the possibility of losing his own existence depends, at the given moment, absolutely only on the number of beings of the enemy side not destroyed, then in consequence of the strengthened functioning in his imagination of the presence of the impulse called ‘cowardice’, and on account of the impossibility at each moment of reasonable deliberation by his being-mentation, weakened already without this, he begins from a natural feeling of self-preservation to strive with all his Being to destroy as many as possible of the existences of the beings of the enemy side in order to have the greater chance of saving his own existence. And gradually progressing in this feeling of self-preservation of theirs, they then reach the state, as they themselves say, of ‘bestiality’. BTG XXXI
“It must be even emphasized that, thanks to this invention of theirs, there was added there yet one more to the number of factors, the totality of which constantly leads them into error and by which their being-mentation, already weakened without this, becomes year by year more ‘makhokhitchne’. BTG XXXI
“And if any of the beings of contemporary ‘culture’ infallibly desires and will continue to ‘pant’ in order to explain well to his Reason why among these ancient Egyptians the family name of their kings changed so often, then again, at very best, his being-mentation will associate approximately in the following sequence. He will say: “‘Evidently in olden times in this Egypt it often happened that the kings, or as they are named there Pharaohs, grew tired of reigning and abdicated their power – and this abdication in all probability proceeded in the following way and approximately under the following circumstances. BTG XXXIV
“And so, those of these unfortunates, in whom in short there still continued to proceed, very slightly, the functioning of being-mentation according to the law of sane logic, and who had not at all accepted such illogical and unusual incoherencies, ultimately lost all faith in any Truth whatsoever, really given and explained by this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ. BTG XXXVIII
“And this first proceeded there because, thanks as always to the same abnormally established conditions of ordinary existence, their being-mentation began to proceed without any participation of the functioning of their what are called ‘localizations of feeling’, or according to their terminology ‘feeling center’, chiefly in consequence of which this mentation of theirs finally became automatized. BTG XXXVIII
“In every three-brained being in general, irrespective of the place of his arising and the form of his exterior coating, there can be crystallized data for three independent kinds of being-mentation, the totality of the engendered results of which expresses the gradation of his Reason. BTG XXXIX
“But afterwards, when the functioning of this maleficent organ which they had in their presences was destroyed, and when in consequence their psyche became free and became, so to say, their own and ‘individual’, it was just from then on that all kinds of stories began concerning their ‘relatively sane’ being-mentation. BTG XL
“It was just at that period of the ‘flow-of-time’ when certain of them began to observe those, according to sane being-mentation, ‘abnormal functionings’ which proceeded in their common presences, and to search out the causes of these abnormalities, and to try to find every kind of possibility for removing them from themselves, and when many branches of real science there had reached a high degree of development, that among the number of those who were seriously interested in this, as it was then called, ‘most-necessary-functioning-of-Reason’, there was that terrestrial three-brained being by name, Theophany, who was the first to lay a rational foundation for the subsequent development of this branch of genuine science. BTG XL
“And so, my boy, thanks on the one hand to the infallibly continuing deterioration in the common presences of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, of the quality of the functioning of the data crystallized in them for healthy being-mentation, and on the other hand to the always increasing number among them being formed into responsible beings of the mentioned new ‘types’, namely, of learned beings of new formation, there ultimately reached the contemporary three-brained beings of this ill-fated planet from this detailed ‘totality of information’ already thoroughly cognized by the Reason of former beings similar to them, and almost unprecedented everywhere in the Universe among ordinary three-brained beings and which had gradually begun to change – namely, the totality of that true information which today is already used for the welfare of ordinary three-brained beings everywhere on the planets of our Great Megalocosmos with the exception of the beings of only that planet on which this totality of information arose – only that which our always esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin defines by the following words: BTG XL
“Talking further on various incidental topics, we began, in accordance with the flowing of associations of being-mentation, to talk also of the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth. BTG XLV