After a short pause Beelzebub continued thus: “Before telling you further about the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy and who breed on the planet Earth, it is in my opinion absolutely necessary for you, for a clear representation of the strangeness of their psyche and, in general, for a better understanding of everything concerning this peculiar planet, first of all to have an accurate representation of their time-calculation, and of how the being-sensation of what is called the ‘process-of-the-flow-of-time ‘ in the presences of the three-brained beings of that planet has gradually changed and also of how this process now flows in the presences of contemporary three-brained beings there.BTG XVI
“Although the beings of that ill-fated planet arose, according to conventionally objective time-reckoning, many decades ago, not only have they not as yet any being-sensation of cosmic-phenomena such as it is proper to all three-centered beings of the whole of our Universe to have, but there is not in the Reason of these unfortunates even an approximate representation of the genuine causes of these phenomena.BTG XVI
“The first fact is that almost from the time of the loss of the continent Atlantis, there gradually began to be crystallized, and during later centuries became completely crystallized in the presence of every one of your favorites there, a particular ‘inherency’ thanks to which that being-sensation which is called ‘happiness-for-one’s-being’ – which is experienced from time to time by every three-brained being from the satisfaction of his inner self-evaluation – appears in the presences of your favorites exclusively only when they acquire for their own possession a great deal of that popular metal there called ‘gold’.BTG XXIV