
“Certainly, my boy, on each separate planet of that solar system also, the planetary bodies of the three-brained beings are coated and take an exterior form in conformity with the nature of the given planet, and are adapted in their details to the surrounding nature. 327 BTG III

“For instance, on that planet on which it was ordained that all we exiles should exist, namely, the planet Mars, the three-brained beings are coated with planetary bodies having the form — how shall I tell you — a form like a ‘karoona’, that is to say, they have a long broad trunk, amply provided with fat, and heads with enormous protruding and shining eyes. On the back of this enormous ‘planetary body’ of theirs are two large wings, and on the under side two comparatively small feet with very strong claws. 328 BTG III

“It is interesting, by the way, to remark that for some reason or other, the form of being-bird raven breeds not only on almost all the planets of this solar system, but also on most of those other planets of the whole of our great Universe upon which beings of various brain systems arise and are coated with planetary bodies of different forms. 580 BTG X

“The exterior forms of their planetary bodies are all made alike, and of course in respect of size and in their other subjective particularities, they are each coated, just as we are, in accordance with the reflection of heredity, with the conditions at the moment of conception and with the other factors that serve in general as the causes for the arising and formation of every being. 681 BTG XIV

“It later also became quite clear to me that this was necessary, in order that there might not occur to our planetary bodies what is called ‘Taranooranura’, or, as it might otherwise be said, in order that our planetary bodies should not fall to pieces as usually occurs to sur and intraplanetary formations of every kind when they happen to come into an entirely atmosphereless space. 987 BTG XVIII

“‘In exactly the same way, your external and all your internal organs are also created by our COMMON CREATOR in a corresponding manner. You are given legs to walk; hands to prepare and take the necessary food; your nose and the organs connected with it are so adapted that you may take in and transform in yourself those Worldsubstances by which there are coated in the three-brained beings similar to yourself both higher-being bodies, on one of which rests the hope of our COMMON ALL-EMBRACING CREATOR for help in His needs, for the purpose of actualizations foreseen by Him for the good of Everything Existing. 1178 BTG XIX

“Rules existed in all such societies prohibiting not only their destruction for Sacrificial-Offerings, but also the use of their planetary bodies for the ‘first-being-food’. 1538 BTG XXI

“During the period of the aforesaid Krentonalnian position of the planet Earth, these wild beings there are wide awake and take their first being-food; and since, by that time, they had already become accustomed to use for this purpose almost exclusively the planetary bodies of weaker beings of other forms arising on their planet, they were always trying, during that period, to get hold of such a being in order to use his planetary body for the satisfaction of that need of theirs. 1571 BTG XXII

“Well, then, my boy. Owing to the fact that most of the three-brained beings of the planet Earth thereafter carried out the process of the removal from themselves of this sacred substance — which is constantly formed in them — not at certain periods normally established by Great Nature for beings in accordance with their organization, simply for the purpose of the continuation of their species, and also owing to the fact that most of them ceased to utilize this sacred substance consciously for coating their higher being bodies, the result was obtained that when they do not remove it from themselves by ways which had then already become mechanical, they naturally must experience a sensation called ‘Sirkliniamen’, or as your favorites there would say, the state defined by the words ‘out of sorts’, which state is invariably accompanied by what is called ‘mechanical suffering’. 1703 BTG XXIII

“Teleoghinooras can be formed from such a quality of being-contemplation as only those three-brained beings have and can actualize, who have coated their higher being bodies in their presences and who have brought the perfecting of the Reason of their higher being part up to the degree of the sacred ‘Martfotai’. 1785 BTG XXIII

Contemporary beings now already quite clearly picture to themselves that once upon a time a certain tower was built in this said city of Babylon to enable beings to ascend in their planetary bodies to ‘God Himself’. 2026 BTG XXIV

“This fine body or soul, it was said further, must make a corresponding payment for every action of the ‘physical body’ whether voluntary or involuntary, and every man, already at birth, consists of these two bodies, namely, the physical body and the soul. 2035 BTG XXIV

“Everywhere there are instruments of every conceivable torture from the ‘rack’ and the ‘wheel’ to instruments for lacerating bodies and mechanically rubbing them with salt, and so on of the same kind. 2053 BTG XXIV

“When this isolated particularly poisonous cosmicsubstance is intentionally liberated into the atmosphere under the said conditions, and when striving to reblend with other corresponding cosmic substances it happens to enter the planetary bodies of three-brained beings nearby, it instantly and completely destroys their existence, or, at best, permanently injures the functioning of one or other part of their common presence. 2469 BTG XXIX

“As for the third of the enumerated chemical substances they invented, namely, ‘cocaine’, that chemical substance is not only also of great assistance to Nature in more rapidly decomposing the planetary formations — in this instance, their own planetary bodies — but this chemical means has an effect on the psyche of the contemporary beings of the planet Earth surprisingly similar to that which the famous organ Kundabuffer had on the psyche of their ancestors. 2477 BTG XXIX

“At the present time the beings of various parts of contemporary Italy actualize this property of giving-pleasure-to-others in the following way: “The existence of the quadruped beings called ‘sheep’ and ‘goats’, whose planetary bodies they also use for their first food, they do not destroy all at once; but in order to give this ‘pleasure’ they do it ‘slowly’ and ‘gently’ over a period of many days; that is to say, one day they take off one leg, then a few days later, a second leg, and so on, for as long as the sheep or goat still breathes. And sheep and goats can breathe without the said parts of their common presence for a very long time because, in the main functions of the taking in of cosmic substances for the possibility of existing, these parts do not participate, though they do participate in the functions which actualize those impulses giving self-sensations. 2515 BTG XXIX

“And in order that you should have a better idea and well understand in which way they indicated what they wished in these dances, you must know that the learned beings of this time had already long been aware that every posture and movement of every being in general, in accordance with the same Law of Sevenfoldness, always consists of seven what are called ‘mutually-balanced-tensions’ arising in seven independent parts of their whole, and that each of these seven parts in their turn consists of seven different what are called ‘lines-of-movement’, and each line has seven what are called ‘points-of-dynamic-concentration’; and all this that I have just described, being repeated in the same way and in the same sequence but always on a diminishing scale, is actualized in the minutes” sizes of the total bodies called ‘atoms’. 2712 BTG XXX

“The point is that the tempo of the deterioration of this being-capacity does not proceed in the common presences of beings in the psychic and organic functioning of their planetary bodies in everyone in every generation uniformly, but it alternates, as it were, at different times ,and on different parts of the surface of this planet, affecting at one time more the psychic and at another time the organic part of the functioning of the planetary body. A very good elucidating example of what I have just said is afforded by the sensations of the taste and the capacity to pronounce those two definite consonants or those letters known there at the present time and used among almost all the contemporary beings who breed on all parts of the surface of your planet, and which passed to them through the ancient Greeks from times long past. 2810 BTG XXX

“However, in any case, do remember that from among the number of many thousands of known ‘medical means’ applied by the contemporary physicians there only three, and even then only sometimes, produce some or other real results for the planetary bodies of your contemporary ordinary three-brained beings. 3100 BTG XXXI

“The point is that not being used up for their predetermined purpose, the said definite cosmic crystallizations become, during certain displacements of their atmosphere, concentrated in certain of their atmospheric strata, and entering into them from time to time — dependently on various external surrounding conditions and also on the inner state of the common presences of your favorites, which by the way arises in them chiefly from the form of their mutual relationship — just into them as into apparatuses foreseen by Nature in general for the transformation of cosmic substances needed for serving the aims of the Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat, and not meeting there ‘substrata’ corresponding to the requirements of the lawful process of Djartklom, they, that is these cosmic crystallizations, during their subsequent free completed evolutions or involutions for passing into other crystallizations proper to this planet and before completing their transformations, produce upon planetary bodies, thanks already to other accidental factors, that action by which such a mentioned specific disease newly arisen there is characterized. 3216 BTG XXXII

“Well, many centuries after the loss of Atlantis, beings of this Egypt, on the basis of the knowledge which had reached them, also discovered how, by means of that same sacred neutralizing-force of the sacred Okidanokh, to preserve the planetary bodies of certain of them forever in a nondecaying and nondecomposing state after the sacred Rascooarno, or as they say, after death had proceeded in them. 3316 BTG XXXIII

“But those planetary bodies upon which they employed the mentioned means remained intact and exist there even to the present time. 3318 BTG XXXIII

“And these surviving planetary bodies are called by the contemporary beings ‘mummies’. 3319 BTG XXXIII

“The transformation of the planetary bodies into mummies was effected by the beings of Egypt by a very simple means; namely, they kept the planetary body assigned for this purpose about half a month in what is there called castor oil, and later they introduced into it the sacredsubstanceforce’ dissolved in a corresponding way. 3320 BTG XXXIII

“Well, my boy, according to the researches and investigations of one of our countrymen who exists there even up till now, about which I was informed by an etherogram after my final departure from the surface of your planet, it turned out that once, when their process of ‘reciprocal-destruction’ began between the community of beings breeding on this Egypt and the beings of a neighbouring community, and when at the same time, one of their, as they are called ‘Pharaohs’ came to the end of his existence, the beings whose business it was to preserve the bodies of meritorious beings everlastingly were unable, owing to the approach of beings hostile to them, to keep the planetary body of this Pharaoh in castor oil as long as was necessary, that is to say, half a month; hut nevertheless, they put this body into castor oil, placed it in a hermetically closed room and, having dissolved in a certain way the said sacred substance-force they introduced it into the said room so as to obtain in this way what they wished. 3321 BTG XXXIII

“The use of chewing this keva consists in this, that by chewing it, much what is called there on Earth ‘saliva’ and also other substances are formed in beings, which are worked out by their planetary bodies so that their first being-food may be the better and more easily transformed in them, or as they themselves say, so that this food may be the better and more easily ‘digested and assimilated’. 3604 BTG XXXIV

“It was thanks particularly to the second almost criminal ‘unforeseeingness’ that this situation, terrifying for the three-brained beings, obtains there, namely, that on the one hand there are in their common presences as in the presences of all the three-brained beings of our Great Universe, all the possibilities for coating the ‘higher-being-bodies’, and at the same time, thanks to the crystallization which has become inherent in them of the various consequences of the organ Kundabuffer, it is almost impossible for them to carry the higher sacred parts coated in them up to the required degree of perfecting. And since, according to the fundamental common cosmic laws, such a formation as their ‘higher-being-part’, coated in the common presences of three-brained beings, is not subject to decomposition on planets, and since the planetary body of the beings cannot endlessly exist on planets and the process of the sacred Rascooarno must inevitably proceed with them at the proper time, therefore, their unfortunate higher bodies arising in the terrestrial three-brained beings must inevitably languish also forever in all kinds of exterior planetary forms. 3743 BTG XXXVII

“However, it must be admitted that although the power-possessing beings of the community France also adopt these ‘good means’ and successfully attain their egoistic aims, yet these means, though, be it said, to no credit of the power-possessing beings of the communities of England and Russia, bring scarcely any harm to the planetary bodies themselves of the ordinary beings. 3859 BTG XXXVII

“It is possible of course to produce both these processes only in that case, if such higher-being bodies are still in those spheres contactable by the sphere of that planet on which these ‘sacred sacraments’ are produced. 4048 BTG XXXVIII

“In this way, when the three-brained perfected being foredesigned for this sacrament Almznoshinoo ceases his planetary existence, and his body Kesdjan is separated from his planetary body, then thanks to the first particular property of this being-Hanbledzoin that connection begins to be established about which I have just told you, between the given body Kesdjan and that place where the particle of his Hanbledzoin was preserved beforehand or those beings who intentionally coated this particle in their own bodies Kesdjan. 4055 BTG XXXVIII

“The first highest kind of being-Reason is the ‘pure’ or objective Reason which is proper only to the presence of a higher being-body or to the common presences of the bodies themselves of those three-brained beings in whom this higher part has already arisen and perfected itself, and then only when it is the, what is called, ‘center-of-gravity-initiator-of-the-individual-functioning’ of the whole presence of the being. 4369 BTG XXXIX

“And they have all three being-bodies because the producers of such a being, namely, Martna, Spirna, and Okina, each separately conceives the arising of one of the three-being bodies, and owing to their special corresponding being-existences they aid the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh to form the given being-body in themselves to perfection and afterwards, at the moment of appearance, merge it with the other bodies into one. 4395 BTG XXXIX

‘In other words, every wish of the planetary body is taken as undesirable for the higher divine part which has to be coated and perfected, and therefore all three-centered beings of our Great Megalocosmos constantly carry on a relentless struggle against the wishes of their planetary bodies so that there should be formed in them, in this struggle from the what is called ‘Disputekrialnianfriction’, those sacred crystallizations from which their higher Divine being-part arises and is perfected in them. 4627 BTG XXXIX

“The consequence of all this is that in the first case these terrestrial abstaining monks become extraordinarily, as it is usually said there, fat, and sometimes one indeed meets among these fat monks specimens with such an abundant deposit of fat, that they could give many points to that form of being there which they expressly fatten in order to increase this same fat in their planetary bodies, and this form of being they call there ‘pig’. 4685 BTG XXXIX

“It is interesting to notice that at the present time there, m these depressions formerly covered with snow, and which were later covered with ‘Kashiman’, that is with those substances which in general form on the surface of terra firma regions what is called ‘soil’, there are sometimes still found now even well-preserved planetary bodies of these mammoths. 4920 BTG XL

“These planetary bodies of mammoths have been so well preserved for such a long time, because these snows were then very soon after covered with Kashiman and thus there obtained the condition of ‘Isoliazsokhlanness’, that is, as your favorites would say, the condition of a hermetically closed sphere, in which these planetary bodies of mammoths have never since been exposed, a, is said there, ‘to decomposition’, that is to say, the active elements of which these planetary bodies are in general formed have not completely involved back to their prime origin. 4922 BTG XL

“The basis of the Chinese ‘subdivision of the octave into seven whole notes’ as well as the basis of all the information composing the totality of the special branch of knowledge relating to the law of Ninefoldness, consisted of the results of those conscious labors and intentional sufferings of the two great twin brothers for which their higher bodies became beatified, and who now dwell on that holy planet on which we recently had the happiness to be. 5117 BTG XL

“Slaughterhouse is the name there for a special ph.ce where three-brained terrestrial beings carry on the destruction of the existence of those beings of various other forms whose planetary bodies they are addicted to using for their first being-food, again owing to those abnormally established conditions of ordinary being-existence. 5734 BTG XLII

“To tell the truth, my boy, I did not at once clearly understand all that he then said, and it was only later that I came to understand it all clearly, when, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic laws, I learned that these sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis are just those substances by which the higher being-bodies of three-brained beings, namely, the body Kesdjan and the body of the Soul, are in general formed and perfected; and when I learned that the separation of the sacred Askokin from the said sacred substances proceeds in general when the beings on whatever planet it might be transubstantiate the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis in themselves for the forming and perfecting of their higher bodies, by means of conscious labors and intentional sufferings. 6663 BTG XLIII

“The beings of the continent Atlantis even very wisely and expediently devised the fulfillment of these two being-duties — namely, the duty of the perfecting of their higher bodies and the duty of serving the Most Great cosmicTrogoautoegocrat — by uniting them into one and performing them simultaneously. 6674 BTG XLIII

“Must these unfortunate souls who were formed on that unfortunate planet really remain eternally unperfected and be endlessly coated into various planetary forms and everlastingly toil and moil on account of the consequences of the properties of that accursed organ Kundabuffer, which, owing to the reasons extraneous to them themselves, was attached to the planetary bodies of the first three-centered beings of that ill-fated planet? 6734 BTG XLIII

For a comprehensive and visible clarification to oneself of the varied sources of the arising and the varied qualities of the manifested personalities in the general organization of man, and also of the difference between what is called that “I” which should be in the common presence of a “man-without-quotation-marks”, that is, a real man; and, as it can be expressed, the pseudo “I” which people today mistake for it, an analogy can be very well made. Though this analogy, as is said, has been “worn threadbare” by contemporary what are called spiritualists, occultists, theosophists, and other specialists in “catching fish in muddy waters”, in their cackle about what are called the “mental”, “astral”, and still other such bodies which are supposed to be in man, nevertheless it is well adapted to throw light on the question we are now considering. 7147 BTG XLVIII

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