XIX. BEELZEBUB’S Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth (pgs. B177B206)

Chapitre 19 Belzébuth raconte sa seconde descente sur la planète Terre

Capítulo 19 Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida sobre o planeta Terra.

Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that happened during his second descend to planet Earth, which took place 11 of their centuries after his first descent, after the second serious catastrophe that this planet had suffered, during which the continent of Atlantis was engulfed.

He descended for the second time on Earth after the request of Angel-now already an Archangel-Looisos, member of the Most High Commission of Most High Sacred Individuals, who visited him at his home in planet Mars and after explaining the facts that caused the second serious catastrophe, asked for his help in order to deal with an undesirable phenomenon that occurred in this planet.

As he explained to him, the reason that caused this undesirable phenomenon was this time a religious custom that exists in all the “Havatvernonis” or Religions of the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, which is called “Sacrificial-Offerings”, and that the destruction of the existence of beings of various forms has reached such dimensions that hinders the required exchange of matters between the planet “Moon” and its atmosphere, which arises the apprehension that its atmosphere is formed incorrectly and later may become an obstacle to the harmonious movement of the whole system Ors, giving perhaps rise to factors menacing a catastrophe on a great cosmic scale.

Beelzebub flew on the ship “Occasion”, this time to the sea “Colhidius” or the “Caspian Sea”, on the northwest of the continent Ashhark (Asia) and from there to the city “Koorkalai”, which was at that time the capital of the continent.

There in one of the “Kaltaani” or meeting places of the city, he met Abdil, who was by profession a priest, with whom they soon became friends and he thought of using him to attain his goal, namely to uproot from this continent the custom of offering sacrifices. So, he started revealing to him the cosmic truths concerning the matter, since, as he discovered, in the Being of this priest Abdil the function called “conscience” had not yet been quite atrophied. His words made such an impression to Abdil, that since then he started, instead of delivering the usual sermon in the temple where he was the chief priest, speaking about Sacrificial-Offerings and his speech made a strong impression on his entire congregation. But this had as a result to cause the opposition of the other priests, who were afraid that if the custom of Sacrificial-Offerings were to disappear their incomes would also disappear. So they decided to destroy him and in the end they had him killed and his planetary body hacked to pieces.

Abdil’s sad end did not prevent his preaching about the cessation of Sacrificial-Offerings having a strong effect on an ever increasing number of people and in the end the quantity of slaughtering for Sacrificial-Offerings was considerably mitigated.

After all that, Beelzebub returned to planet Mars, taking along Abdil’s planetary body, which, with the help of his Martian friends, was buried in planet Mars with the ceremonies customary on that planet, and over the spot they erected a corresponding construction.

On the planet Mars, at that period, he was expected by several beings from the planet Karatas, among which was Beelzebub’s future wife.

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