XXVII. The Organization for Man’s Existence Created by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B366 – B389)
Chapitre 27 De l’ordre d’existence que créa pour les hommes le Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash
Capítulo 27 A organização da existência do homem criada pelo Mui Santíssimo Ashyata Shiemash.
Continuing his recount about the activities of Ashiata Shiemash, Beelzebub tells Hassein what his research and investigations made clear to him.
According to that, after the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash had pondered on Mount Veziniama and had drawn up in his mind a definite plan for his further most saintly activities, he did not return to the city of Babylon but went straight to the city of ‘Djoolfapal,’ the capital of a country then called ‘Kurlandtekh’ situated in the middle of the continent of Asia. On arriving there, he first of all entered into relations with the brethren of the ‘Tchaftantoori Brotherhood,’ whose name signified ‘To be-or not to be at all.’ This brotherhood was founded five years before his arrival on the initiative of two terrestrial beings who had become genuine initiates, Poundoliro and Sensimiriniko. While he was enlightening the brethren of this Tchaftantoori Brotherhood and discussing his suppositions and intentions with them, the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was occupied with drawing up the ‘rules’ or, the ‘statutes’ for the brotherhood which, in association with the brethren he had already initiated, he founded in the city of Djoolfapal, and which was later called the ‘Heeshtvori Brotherhood,’ a name signifying ‘Only he will be called and become the son of God who acquires in himself Conscience.’
With these statutes, drawn up by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, the terms under which someone would prove worthy to become ‘all-rights-possessing-brother’ of this first Heeshtvori Brotherhood, were determined.
Then he chose from among the ‘all-rights-possessing-brothers’ those who had sensed and become aware of the divine impulse of Conscience and they were called ‘first-degree initiates,’ and later ‘great initiates’ and he begun to enlighten their Reason separately concerning ‘objective truths’ which up till then had been quite unknown to the three-brained beings of that planet. Then, it was to those same ‘great initiates’ who were first set apart that the Very Saintly, now Most Saintly, Ashiata Shiemash then explained in detail, among other things, what this being-impulse of Objective Conscience is, and how factors for its manifestation arise in the presence of three-brained beings.
So, owing to all the above, scarcely three years had passed before all the ordinary beings of the city of Djoolfapal and its environs, and even of many countries of the continent of Asia, not only knew that this divine being-impulse of genuine Conscience existed in them and that it could take part in the functioning of their ordinary ‘waking consciousness’ and that, in all the brotherhoods of the great prophet Ashiata Shiemash the initiates and priests were elucidating and indicating what had to be done and how it had to be done in order to attain this, but what is more, almost all of them begun to strive and to exert themselves in order to become priests of the Heeshtvori Brotherhood, many branches of which were founded at that period on the continent of Asia, each one functioning almost independently.
The upshot of it all was that within ten terrestrial years there had disappeared of their own accord the two chief forms of abnormally established ordinary being-existence there, from which flowed and continue to flow most of the maleficent causes that increasingly prevent the establishment of conditions for at least a normal outer being-existence for your unfortunate favorites.
In the first place, their division into numerous communities, with various forms of organization for external and even internal existence which they call ‘state organizations,’ disappeared of itself and, in the second place, there also disappeared in the same way those various what are called ‘castes’ or ‘classes’ that had long before been established in these numerous communities of theirs. Another result was that the process of reciprocal destruction established there, ensuing from that terrible particularity of their psyche, entirely ceased on the continent of Asia. But the most astonishing and significant result of the very saintly labors of Ashiata Shiemash was that at that period not only did the duration of the existence of these unfortunates began to increase but at the same time their ‘birth rate’ also fell by at least a fifth. Thereby there was practically demonstrated one of the cosmic laws called the ‘law of the equilibration of vibrations,’ that is, vibrations arising from the evolution and involution of the cosmic substances required for the Most Great Omnicosmic Trogoautoegocrat. This decline in both their ‘death rate’ and ‘birth rate’ came about because, as their existence became approximately normal for three-centered beings, they also begun to radiate from themselves vibrations corresponding more closely to the requirements of Great Nature, thanks to which, Nature had less need of those vibrations that are obtained from the destruction of the existence of beings.
Continuing his narration, he says to Hassein that all the beings of that planet then begun to work in order to have in their consciousness this divine function of genuine Conscience, and for this purpose, as everywhere in the Universe, they transubstantiated in themselves what are called the ‘being-obligonian strivings’ of which there are five, namely:
The first striving: to have in one’s ordinary being existence everything satisfying and really necessary for the planetary body.
The second striving: to have a constant and unflagging instinctive need to perfect oneself in the sense of Being.
The third: the conscious striving to know ever more and more about the laws of world-creation and world–maintenance.
The fourth: the striving, from the beginning of one’s existence, to pay as quickly as possible for one’s arising and individuality, in order afterward to be free to lighten as much as possible the sorrow of our Common Father.
And the fifth: the striving always to assist the most rapid perfecting of other beings, both those similar to oneself and those of other forms, up to the degree of the sacred ‘Martfotai,’ that is, up to the degree of self-individuality.
Beelzebub then says to Hassein that shortly after the departure from this planet of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, these unfortunates themselves, totally destroyed it all.