XXXI. The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B524B557)

Chapitre 31 Sixième et dernier séjour de Belzébuth à la surface de notre Terre

Capítulo 31 A sexta e última estadia de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra.

When the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left the spheres of the atmosphere of the planet Revozvradendr and began to fall back in the direction of the solar system “Pandetznokh” onto the planet Karatas, Beelzebub ,after Hassein’s request, related about his sixth and last visit on the planet Earth.

According to the narration he was on the planet Earth for the sixth time, just before he received his full pardon and permission to return to the planet Karatas, to the center of the Universe, to the place of his arising, to the bosom of our COMMON UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS.

This time, he existed on the planet Earth for more than 300 years by the time calculation there, in order to observe the abnormal particularity of their psyche to destroy the existence of other beings similar to themselves and to obtain without fail a completed awareness of the causes of the phenomenon that had troubled his essence. They descended, this time, on the ship “Occasion” onto the continent Asia near Afghanistan because before they had flown off, they had made it clear by observing Earth through their Teskooano and that the “turn-of-the-process-of-reciprocal-destruction” was proceeding at that time in just the said country.

Thanks to his experimental investigations, he soon categorically made clear that most of the causes of the strangeness of their psyche are found not in that usual consciousness of theirs, in which alone they have already automazed themselves to exist in what is called their “waking state” , but in that consciousness of theirs, which, thanks to their abnormal ordinary being-existence, was gradually driven within their common presence and which although it should have been their real consciousness yet remains in them in its primitive state and is called their “subconsciousness”.

When he had chosen as the place of his fundamental existence the locality called “Turkestan”, he started to visit several places in various continents excepting America and to establish relations with beings of all “types”, belonging to every kind of their “peoples”, he had to devote all the time he had free from observations and investigations to the study of the many diverse languages, since on the Planet Earth there are as many languages and dialects as there are separate independent groups into which they have become split.

He mentions to Hassein, that the main difficulty he had during his investigations, when it became necessary for him to make clear certain details in the psyche of the three-brained beings of the planet Earth was that, at that time, there had already been almost atrophied in them every kind of data for the arising in their presences of the being-impulse called “sincerity”, so that they no longer had the possibility, even if they wished, to be sincere, and not only with other beings but even with their own selves, that is, they already could not with one of their spiritualized parts criticize and judge another part of themselves impartially. For this reason, the sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth in order to be able to carry out his investigation, decided to choose from among the professions existing there, that one which gives the possibility at times of automatically establishing among them those relations by which they can be sincere up to a certain degree and so he became just such a professional there, as is called at the present time, a “physician”.

On this occasion, he relates to Hassein all his perceptions of the physicians and pharmacists on Earth and Ahoon urged by Beelzebub relates to Hassein a funny incident he had had with a “Doctor” on Earth, who had finally turned out to be not a “Doctor of Medicine”, but a “Doctor of Philosophy” and ending the narration he mentions the saying of Mullah Nassr Eddin: “for our sins, God has sent us two kinds of physicians, one kind to help us die, and the other to prevent us living.”

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