Categoria: Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson (1950 capítulos)
BTG XII The First “Growl”
BTG XI <=> BTG XIII XII. The First “Growl” (pgs. B98 – B102) Chapitre 12 Premiers grondements Capítulo 12 Primeiros rugidos. A LITTLE later, Beelzebub began to speak as follows: ”A story I have just recalled, connected with these ‘anathemas’ I have mentioned, may provide very useful material for beginning to comprehend the strangeness of…
BTG XXII BTG XXIV XXIII. The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B268 – B314) Chapitre 23 Quatrième séjour personnel de Belzébuth sur la planète Terre Capítulo 23 A quarta estadia pessoal de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub descended for the forth time to the planet Earth owing to the…
BTG XXI BTG XXIII XXII. Beelzebub for the First Time in Tibet (pgs. B252 – B267) Chapitre 22 Belzébuth au Tibet pour la première fois Capítulo 22 Belzebu pela primeira vez no Tibete.
Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson [BTG – capítulos]
Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson (1950) All and Everything – First Series An objectively impartial criticism of the life of man Original written in Russian and Armenian. Translations into other languages have been made under the personal direction of the author, by a group of translators chosen by him and specially trained according to their…
BTG XX BTG XXII XXI. The First Visit of Beelzebub to India (pgs. B227 – B251) Chapitre 21 Première visite de Belzébuth aux Indes Capítulo 21 A primeira visita de Belzebu à Índia. Beelzebub continues his recount, describing to Hassein the events that took place during his first visit to India, which happened in order…
BTG XIX BTG XXI XX. The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth (pgs. B207 – B226) Chapitre 20 Troisième vol de Belzébuth vers la planète Terre Capítulo 20 O terceiro voo de Belzebu para o planeta Terra. On Beelzebub’s third descent from planet Mars to the planet Earth, his ship Occasion alighted on…
BTG XVIII BTG XX XIX. BEELZEBUB’S Tales About His Second Descent on to the Planet Earth (pgs. B177 – B206) Chapitre 19 Belzébuth raconte sa seconde descente sur la planète Terre Capítulo 19 Relatos de Belzebu sobre sua segunda descida sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that happened during his second…
BTG XVII BTG XIX XVIII. The Arch-preposterous (pgs. B149 – B176) Chapitre 18 Archi-fantastique Capítulo 18 O arqui-prepóstero. Beelzebub tells Hassein about his first meeting with Gornahoor Harharkh on the planet Saturn, during his exile in the solar system Ors, where he witnessed those novel experiments elucidating the Omnipresent Okidanokh. This meeting took place after…
BTG XVI BTG XVIII XVII. The Arch-Absurd: According to the Assertion of Beelzebub, Our Sun Neither Lights nor Heats (pgs. B134 – B148) Chapitre 17 Archi-absurde Capítulo 17 O arqui-absurdo: de acordo com a assertiva de Belzebu, nosso sol nem ilumina nem aquece. In order that Hassein may have some idea of how completely the…
BTG XV BTG XVII XVI. The Relative Understanding of Time (pgs. B121 – B133) Chapitre 16 Relativité de la notion de Temps Capítulo 16 A relativa compreensão do Tempo. Beelzebub explains to Hassein how those three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth calculate Time, and how the being-sensation in their presence of what is…
BTG XIV BTG XVI XV. The First Descent of Beelzebub upon the Planet Earth (pgs. B109 – B120) Chapitre 15 Première descente de Belzébuth sur la Terre Capítulo 15 A Primeira descida de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub recounts to Hassein the events that took place during his first descent on the planet Earth.…
BTG XIII BTG XV XIV. The Beginnings of Perspectives Promising Nothing Very Cheerful (pgs. B106 – B108) Chapitre 14 Où l’on entrevoit une perspective qui ne promet rien de très gai Capítulo 14 As origens de perspectivas prometendo nenhum grande contentamento. Beelzebub continues his narration about the beings the planet Earth saying that in the…
BTG XII BTG IV XIII. Why in Man’s Reason Fantasy May Be Perceived as Reality (pgs. B103 – B105) Chapitre 13 Pourquoi, dans la raison de l’homme, l’imaginaire peut être perçu comme réel Capítulo 13 Por que na razão do homem a fantasia pode ser percebida como realidade. To Hassein’s question, why the beings on…
BTG XXXIII BTG XXV XXIV. BEELZEBUB’S Flight to the Planet Earth for the Fifth Time (pgs. B315 – B346) Chapitre 24 Belzébuth s’envole vers la planète Terre pour la cinquième fois Capítulo 24 O voo de Belzebu para o planeta Terra pela quinta vez. Beelzebub continued his tale telling Hassein that he visited Earth for…
BTG XI A Piquant Trait of the Peculiar Psyche of Contemporary Man
BTG X <=> BTG XII XI. A Piquant Trait of the Peculiar Psyche of Contemporary Man (pgs. B94 – B97) Chapitre 11 Un trait piquant de l’original psychisme des hommes Capítulo 11 Um traço picante da peculiar psique do homem contemporâneo. ”NOW let us return to those three-brained beings arising on the planet Earth, who…
BTG X Why “Men” Are Not Men
BTG IX <=> BTG XI X. Why “Men” Are Not Men (pgs. B87 — B93) Chapitre 10 Pourquoi les « hommes » ne sont pas des hommes Capítulo 10 Porque “homens” não são homens. BEELZEBUB sighed deeply and continued to speak as follows: ”After the actualizing on this planet of the ‘Ilnosoparnian’ process, one year,…
BTG VIII The Impudent Brat Hassein, Beelzebub’s Grandson, Dares to Call Men “Slugs”
BTG VII <=> BTG IX VIII. The Impudent Brat Hassein, Beelzebub’s Grandson, Dares to Call Men “Slugs” (pgs. B79 – B80) Chapitre 8 Où ce mauvais garnement de Hassin, le petit-fils de Belzébuth, ose nous traiter de limaces Capítulo 8 O despudorado moleque Hassin, neto de Belzebu, ousa chamar os homens de lesmas. Chapter VIII…
BTG VII Becoming Aware of Genuine Being-Duty
BTG VI <=> BTG VIII VII. Becoming Aware of Genuine Being-Duty (pgs. B76 – B78) Chapitre 7 De la connaissance du vrai devoir êtrique Capítulo 7 Tornando-se consciente do genuíno dever do ser. Chapter VII Becoming Aware of Genuine Being-Duty AFTER the captain had gone, Beelzebub glanced at his grandson and, noticing his unusual state,…
BTG VI Movimento perpétuo
BTG V <=> BTG VII VI. Perpetual Motion (pgs. B76 – B78) Chapitre 6 Perpetuum Mobile Capítulo 6 Movimento perpétuo. Chapter VI Perpetual Motion ”WAIT! Wait!” Beelzebub interrupted the captain. “This – what you have just told us – must surely be just that short-lived idea which the strange three-brained beings breeding on the planet…