Categoria: Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson (1950 capítulos)
BTG V The System of Archangel Hariton
BTG IV <=> BTG VI V. The System of Archangel Hariton (pgs. B70 – B72) Chapitre 5 Système de l’Archange Khariton Capítulo 5 Sistema do Arcanjo Hariton. The captain of the ship Karnak explains to Beelzebub and Hassein that Archangel Hariton’s new system of ships was unanimously acknowledged to be the best, and soon it…
BTG II – Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar.
BTG I <=> BTG III Chapter II. Introduction: Why Beelzebub Was in Our Solar System (pgs. B51 – B55) Chapitre 2 Prologue Pourquoi Belzébuth vint sur notre système solaire Capítulo 2 Prólogo: Por que Belzebu estava em nosso sistema solar. In the year 223 after the creation of the world or as would be said…
BTG I – O Despertar do Pensar
=> BTG II I. The Arousing of Thought (pgs. B3 – B50) Chapitre 1 – Eveil du penser I. O Despertar do Pensar AMONG other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also – an indubitable conviction – that always and everywhere on the earth, among…
BTG XXXV BTG XXXVII XXXVI. Just a Wee Bit More About the Germans (pgs. B660 – B662) Chapitre 36 Encore un petit rien sur les Allemands Capítulo 36 Apenas uma pitadinha mais sobre os alemães. Beelzebub, continuing his narration about the events that occurred during his sixth sojourn on the planet Earth, he tells Hassein…
BTG XLVI BTG XLVIII XLVII. The Inevitable Result of Impartial Mentation (pgs. B1173 – B1183) Chapitre 47 Résultat, conforme aux lois, d’un penser impartial Capítulo 47 O resultado inevitável de uma mentalização imparcial.
BTG XLV BTG XLVII XLVI. Beelzebub Explains to His Grandson the Significance of the Form and Sequence Which He Chose for Expounding the Information Concerning Man (pgs. B1161 – B1172) Chapitre 46 Belzébuth explique à son petit-fils la signification de la forme et de l’ordre qu’il a choisis pour exposer ses informations sur les hommes…
BTG XLIV BTG XLVI XLV. In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Extraction of Electricity from Nature and Its Destruction During Its Use, Is One of the Chief Causes of the Shortening of the Life of Man (pgs. B1145 – B1160) Chapitre 45 Selon Belzébuth le fait que les hommes captent l’électricité de la Nature et…
BTG XLIII BTGXLV XLIV. In the Opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Understanding of Justice Is for Him in the Objective Sense an Accursed Mirage (pgs. B1119 – B1144) Chapitre 44 Selon Belzébuth, la conception que se font les hommes de la justice est, dans le sens objectif, un « mirage maudit » Capítulo 44 Na opinião…
BTG XLII BTG XLIV XLIII. BEELZEBUB’S Survey of the Process of the Periodic Reciprocal Destruction of Men, or BEELZEBUB’S Opinion of War (pgs. B1055 – B1118) Chapitre 43 Belzébuth expose ses vises sur le processus périodique de destruction mutuelle des hommes Capítulo 43 A pesquisa de Belzebu do processo da recíproca destruição periódica dos homens,…
BTG XLI BTG XLIII XLII. Beelzebub in America (pgs. B918 – B1054) Chapitre 42 Belzébuth en Amérique Capítulo 42 Belzebu na América.
BTG XL BTG XLII XLI. The Bokharian Dervish Hadji-Asvatz-Troov (pgs. B871 – B917) Chapitre 41 Le derviche boukharien Hadji-Assvatz-Trouv Capítulo 41 O dervixe bokhariano Hadji-Asvatz-Troov.
BTG XXXIX BTG XLI XL. Beelzebub Tells How People Learned and Again Forgot About the Fundamental Cosmic Law of Heptaparaparshinokh (pgs. B813 – B870) Chapitre 40 Belzébuth raconte comment les hommes connurent et oublièrent la loi cosmique fondamentale d’Heptaparaparshinokh Capítulo 40 Belzebu conta como os pessoas aprenderam e de novo esqueceram sobre a lei cósmica…
BTG XXXVIII BTG XL XXXIX. The Holy Planet “Purgatory” (pgs. B744 – B810) Chapitre 39 La Sainte Planète du Purgatoire Capítulo 39 O Santo Planeta do “Purgatório”.
BTG XXXVII BTG XXXIX XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694 – B743) Chapitre 38 La Religion Capítulo 38 Religião. Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly…
BTG XXXIV BTG XXXVI XXXV. A Change in the Appointed Course of the Falling of the Transspace Ship Karnak (pgs. B657 – B659) Chapitre 35 Modification au cours de chute prévu pour le vaisseau intersystémaire « Karnak » Capítulo 35 Uma mudança no apontado curso de queda da nave trans-espacial Karnak. At this point of…
BTG XXXIII BTG XXXV XXXIV. Russia (pgs. B591 – B656) Chapitre 34 Belzébuth en Russie Capítulo 34 Rússia. Beelzebub relates to Hassein about the events that occurred during the last sojourn of his on the surface of the planet Earth. According to his narration, once, walking one morning by the said Pyramids, he met a…