Categoria: Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson (1950 capítulos)


    BTG XXXII BTG XXXIV XXXIII. Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist (pgs. B579 – B590) Chapitre 33 Belzébuth hypnotiseur de profession Capítulo 33 Belzebu como hipnotizador profissional. Beelzebub as professional Hypnotist, continued his experiments up on their psyche chiefly by means of that said particular state of theirs, which the contemporary beings there call the hypnotic state.…


    BTG XXXI BTG XXXIII XXXII. Hypnotism (pgs. B558 – B578) Chapitre 32 L’hypnotisme Capítulo 32 Hipnotismo. Beelzebub, at his sixth sojourn in person on the surface of planet Earth, he decided to settle there for a long stay and to become a professional physician but he chose for himself the profession of what is called…


    BTG XXX BTG XXXII XXXI. The Sixth and Last Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B524 – B557) Chapitre 31 Sixième et dernier séjour de Belzébuth à la surface de notre Terre Capítulo 31 A sexta e última estadia de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. When the cosmic intersystem ship Karnak had left…


    BTG XXIX BTG XXXI XXX. Art (pgs. B449 – B523) Chapitre 30 L’Art Capítulo 30 Arte. During their trip towards the planet Revozvradendr on board the ship Karnak, Beelzebub urges Ahoon to tell Hassein something about the strange three-brained beings on the planet Earth. So Ahoon addressing Hassein says that he will not, like Beelzebub,…


    BTG XXVIII BTG XXX XXIX. The Fruits of Former Civilizations and the Blossoms of the Contemporary (pgs. B413 – B448) Chapitre 29 Les fruits des anciennes civilisations et les fleurs des contemporaines Capítulo 29 Os frutos das civilizações anteriores e a florescência das contemporâneas. In following the associative flow of his tales about the three-brained…


    BTG XXVII BTG XXIX XXVIII. The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B390 – B410) Chapitre 28 Le principal coupable de la destruction des Saints Travaux d’Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 28 O principal culpado na destruição de todos os Mui Santíssimos Trabalhos de Ashyata Shiemash. Beelzebub tells…


    BTG XXVI BTG XXVIII XXVII. The Organization for Man’s Existence Created by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash (pgs. B366 – B389) Chapitre 27 De l’ordre d’existence que créa pour les hommes le Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash Capítulo 27 A organização da existência do homem criada pelo Mui Santíssimo Ashyata Shiemash. Continuing his recount about the…


    BTG XXV BTG XXVII XXVI. The Legominism Concerning the Deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash Under the Title of “The Terror-of-the Situation” (pgs. B353 – B365) Chapitre 26 Légamonisme concernant les réflexions du Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash sous le titre « Horreur de la Situation » Capítulo 26 O Legominismo concernente às deliberações do…


    BTG XXIV BTG XXVI XXV. The Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash, Sent from Above to the Earth (pgs. B347 – B352) Chapitre 25 Le Très Saint Ashyata Sheyimash Envoyé d’En-Haut sur la Terre Capítulo 25 O Mui Santíssimo Ashyata Shiemash, enviado d’O-Alto para a Terra. Beelzebub tells Hassein all the information about the Very Saintly Ashiata…