Categoria: BTG XVIII
B162 B164 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 163] “This extremely strange state began in me shortly after Gornahoor Harharkh had spoken in a half-sarcastic tone about our imminent situation. “In all my three ‘being-centers’ – namely, in the three centers localized in the presence of every three-centered being, and which exist under the name of…
B175 B177 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 176] “You probably do not know yet what the Sacred-Aliamizoornakalu over an essence means? I shall later explain it to you in detail but meanwhile I shall simply use the words of our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin who explains this process as ‘giving-one’s-word-of-honor-not-to-poke-one’s-nose-into-the-affairs-of-the-authorities.’ “In short, when I presented…
B174 B176 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 175] “This metal is called there – ‘gold.’ “Gold is no other than the metal we call ‘Prtzathalavr,’ the specific weight of which, reckoning from the element of the sacred Theomertmalogos, is 1439; that is to say, its element is three and a fraction times less vivifying than…
B173 B175 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 174] “But I will tell you meanwhile that there proceeded in that fragment of red copper something rather like those terrifying pictures which I occasionally observed among your favorites on the planet Earth through my Teskooano from Mars. “I said ‘rather-like’ because what occasionally proceeded among your favorites…
B172 B174 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 173] “’Now see in what order its artificially accelerated transformations will proceed.’ “Having said this, he first fixed before my organ of sight the automatically moving Teskooano, and then turned on and off various switches in a certain sequence; and as I looked through the Teskooano he explained…
B171 B173 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 172] “’When the said masses of different densities, that have thus arisen in planets under normal surrounding conditions, radiate from their common presences the vibrations required for the said World-law of Reciprocal-feeding-of-everything-existing, then, among these vibrations of various properties there is established owing to the fundamental World-law “Troemedekhfe”…
B170 B172 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 171] “’I wish to aid artificially the evolution and involution of its elements towards a grater density, or, on the contrary, towards their transformation back to a primal state. “’To make the picture of the further elucidatory experiments clearer to you, I find I must first inform you,…
B169 B171 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 170] “’For my proposed demonstrating, I must obtain as I always do, the necessary materials from outside, which my pupils will give me by means of appliances which I have prearranged.’ “It is interesting to remark that while he was speaking, he was at the same time tapping…
B168 B170 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 169] “’Furthermore, according to the law called “Heteratogetar,” the “Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations” or “rays” acquire the property of acting on the organs of perception of beings only after they have passed a limit defined by science in the following formula: “the-result-of-the-manifestation-is-proportionate-to-the-force-of-striving-received-from-the-shock.” “’And so, as the given process of the clash…
B167 B169 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 168] “’I have again admitted the influx of parts of the Okidanokh, namely the Anodnatious and the Cathodnatious of equal force of “striving-to-reblend.”’ “When I looked at the Ammeter and the Voltmeter and indeed saw that their needles moved and stopped on the same figures I had noticed…
B166 B168 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 167] “Having drawn my attention to these three socket-like Momonodooars, he said: “’Each of these externally similar apparatuses has a direct connection with those secondary containers which I pointed out to you while we were still outside, and in which after the artificial Djartklom, each of the active…
B165 B167 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 166] “However, my boy, in order that you may not at this moment be too distressed, it is not superfluous to add that this happened in me then for the first and also the last time during all the periods of my being-existence. “But perhaps it would be…
B164 B166 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 165] “The following is what happened: “Gornahoor Harharkh with all those unusual heavy appliances which had been put on him as well, suddenly found himself at a certain height above the chair and began to flounder, as our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin says ‘like-a-puppy-who-has-fallen-into-a-deep-pond.’ “As it afterwards proved,…
B163 B165 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 164] “At first, what is called my ‘initiative-of-constatation’ proceeded in the usual way, that is, according to what is called the ‘center-of-gravity-of-associative-experiencing,’ but later, when this initiative-of-constatation of everything proceeding in me gradually and almost imperceptibly became the function of my essence alone, the latter not only became…
B148 <=> B150 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 149] Chapter XVIII The Arch-preposterous BELZEBU continuou como segue: “A causa do meu primeiro encontro com aquele ser tricentrado que posteriormente se tornou meu amigo-de-essência e pelo qual vi os ditos experimentos com o Okidanokh-Onipresente, foi a seguinte. “Para que você possa representar melhor para si mesmo…
B161 B163 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 162] “When we were alone in the Hrhaharhtzaha itself, Gornahoor Harharkh, after turning one of what are called ‘switches’ there, said: “’The work of the “pump” has already begun, and soon it will have pumped out all the results here without exception of those cosmic processes whatever they…
B160 B162 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 161] “It is very interesting to notice here, that to each end of that appliance – a creation almost incredible for ordinary three-centered-being-Reason – two independent connectors, also of wire, were led, and through them, what are called special magnetic currents flowed from outside. “As it was afterwards…
B159 B161 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 160] “Between Gornahoor Harharkh and myself there was also a special connector, through which we could easily communicate with each other while we were inside the Hrhaharhtzaha, from which the atmosphere was pumped out to make a vacuum. “One end of this connector also, by means of appliances…
B158 B160 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 159] “When this future essence-friend of mine had my consent, he at once gave the necessary orders to one of his assistants. “It appeared that for the actualization of what he proposed, various preparations had first to be made. “First of all his assistants put on Gornahoor Harharkh…
B157 B159 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 158] “When we had recovered and Gornahoor Harharkh had pulled still another lever, which resulted in the whole surrounding space being restored to its former usual appearance, he first, with his customary angel-voice, again drew our attention to the ‘voltmeter,’ the needle of which constantly indicated the same…