Categoria: BTG XX

  • B217

    B216 B218 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 217] “If the soul has fulfilled its duties honestly and conscientiously, Mister God leaves it, for its further existence, on His island; but the soul that here on the continent Ashhark has idled or discharged its duties indolently and negligently, that has in short, existed only for…

  • B226

    B225 B227 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 226] “Soon after this decision, I sailed with Ahoon to the mouth of this river, and began to sail up against its current, having become persuaded that there had already passed from the beings of the city Gob to the beings of this group populating these large…

  • B225

    B224 B226 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 225] “The beings of all other forms of that planet also manifest themselves by voice, but at a definite time. For instance, the cock cries at midnight, an ape in the morning when it is hungry, and so on, but donkeys there bray whenever it enters their…

  • B224

    B223 B225 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 224] “And at times if the offended one had greater physical strength, and an important power-possessing being with whom he was not on very good terms was not watching him, he would simply maul the offender as the Russian Sidor once mauled his favorite goat. “Very well…

  • B223

    B222 B224 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 223] “But the most peculiar of all was the custom of paying attention to the voices of beings of various forms. “As soon as they heard the voice of a being of any form, they immediately began to praise the names of their gods and to await…

  • B222

    B221 B223 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 222] “The result of it all was that there in the country of Maralpleicie, not only were Sacrificial-Offerings indeed diminished, but they even began to treat the beings of other forms with unprecedented attention. “Such comical farces very soon began there that though I myself was the…

  • B221

    B220 B222 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 221] “I soon became quite expert in talking with and persuading individual customers as well as all those present in the Chaihana. “My new friend himself, the proprietor of the Chaihana believed my invention so firmly, that he didn’t know what to do with himself, for repentance…

  • B220

    B219 B221 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 220] “After serious pondering I found it necessary to add something to the ‘religious-doctrine’ existing there, and I counted on being able, like the wise King Konuzion, to spread this addition of mine effectively among them. “Just then I invented that those spirits in ‘caps-of-invisibility’ who, as…

  • B219

    B218 B220 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 219] “To the inventor himself of this ingenious ‘religious-doctrine,’ namely, the wise King Konuzion, the sacred ‘Rascooarno’ had occurred long before this time, that is to say, he had long previously ‘died.’ “But of course owing once again to the strangeness of the psyche of your favorites,…

  • B218

    B217 B219 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 218] “This island Paradise is full of young and lovely women, of all the peoples and races of the world; and each of them belongs for the asking to the ‘soul’ that desires her. “In certain public squares of that superb island, mountains of various articles of…

  • B207

    B206 <=> B208 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 207] Chapter XX The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth Após uma breve pausa, Belzebu continuou a falar da seguinte forma: “Desta vez, permaneci em casa, isto é, no planeta Marte, por pouco tempo, apenas o suficiente para ver e conversar com os recém-chegados…

  • B216

    B215 B217 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 216] “The beings who were addicted to this passion almost ceased to work; the flow of what is called money into the communal treasury entirely ceased and the ultimate ruin of the community seemed to be inevitable. “Finally the wise king decided to deal with this evil…

  • B215

    B214 B216 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 215] “It then became clear that the number of those who chewed had increased still more, because many of the three-brained beings who had never previously chewed, now began chewing merely out of that is called ‘curiosity,’ which is one of the peculiarities of the psyche of…

  • B214

    B213 B215 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 214] “For instance, a crow would appear to them to be a peacock; a trough of water, a sea; a harsh clatter, music; good will, enmity; insults, love; and so on and so forth. “When King Konuzion became clearly convinced of all this, he immediately dispatched everywhere…

  • B213

    B212 B214 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 213] “My latest detailed investigations and researches showed that there had been actualized by that same King Konuzion exceedingly wise and most beneficent measures for uprooting a terrifying evil which had arisen among the beings who by the will of Fate had become his subjects. And he…

  • B212

    B211 B213 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 212] “And when, shortly afterwards, the continent Atlantis entered within the planet and this learned Akhaldan member had no longer any place to return to, he remained to exist with these hunters in that future Maralpleicie. “A little later this group of hunters chose this learned being,…

  • B211

    B210 B212 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 211] “It seems that at the time when the said hunters from the continent Atlantis reached the Sea of Beneficence and decided to settle there, there was already existing on the shores of the same sea a being from the continent Atlantis who was at that time…

  • B210

    B209 B211 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 210] “That country was at that time indeed so excellent and so ‘Sooptaninalnian’ for ordinary being-existence, that no being who could think at all could help liking it. “On that ‘terra firma’ part of the surface of your planet, not only did there exist at that period…

  • B209

    B208 B210 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 209] “So, my boy, as the beings of the continent Atlantis destroyed very many beings of that form for the sake of these horns, they very soon became extinct. “Then a number of beings of that continent, who had by this time already made a profession of…

  • B208

    B207 B209 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 208] “If you wish, my dear boy, I shall also tell you a little of the history of the rise of this group of beings of the continent Ashhark,” Beelzebub said to Hassein. “Yes, Grandfather, yes. I shall listen to you with great interest and much gratitude,”…