Categoria: BTG XXIV

  • B333

    B332 B334 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 333] “Soon after our arrival in Babylon, I began going with this Hamolinadir to various what are called ‘meetings’ of the mentioned learned beings, and listened to every kind of what they called ‘reports’ upon the very question which was then ‘the-question-of-the-day,’ and which was the cause…

  • B316

    B315 B317 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 316] “The cause of these abnormal displacements or great winds at that time was once again those two fragments which had been separated from this planet of yours during the first great calamity, and which afterwards became independent small planets of this solar system, and are now…

  • B315

    B314 <=> B316 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 315] Chapter XXIV Beelzebub’s Flight to the Planet Earth for the Fifth Time BELZEBU continuou a relatar o seguinte: “Após minha quarta estada na superfície do planeta Terra, muitos anos se passaram novamente. “Durante esses anos, é claro que, como antes, às vezes eu observava atentamente,…

  • B346

    B345 B347 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 346] “About this Lentrohamsanin I shall also tell you, since the information concerning him will serve to elucidate for your understanding the strange psyche of those three-brained beings who exist on that peculiar remote planet. “But I shall tell you about this Lentrohamsanin only when I have…

  • B345

    B344 B346 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 345] “The remnants, that is to say, of those holy ‘consciously-suffering-labors’ which he intentionally actualized for the purpose of creating, just for three-centered beings, such special external conditions of ordinary being-existence in which alone the maleficent consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer could gradually disappear…

  • B344

    B343 B345 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 344] “The full comprehension of this law by the pure Reason depends on the gradual impartial, all-round acquaintance with its numerous details which can be revealed to a pure Reason in proportion to its development. “But as regards the Reason of man, this is only the sum…

  • B343

    B342 B344 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 343] “What this said particularity of terrestrial morality is, you can easily represent to yourself and understand if I tell you that both inwardly and outwardly, it acquired exactly that ‘unique property’ which belongs to the beings bearing the name ‘chameleon.’ “And the oddity and peculiarity of…

  • B342

    B341 B343 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 342] Here Hassein could not restrain himself, and suddenly interrupted with the following words: “And which of their manifestations do they consider good, and which bad?” Beelzebub looked at his grandson with a very strange look and shaking his head, said as follows: “Concerning this, which being-manifestations…

  • B341

    B340 B342 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 341] “In the charge of the spirits standing on duty on the right is just that place called Paradise. “It is a place of indescribable beauty and splendiferousness. In that Paradise are magnificent fruits in abundance, and endless quantities of fragrant flowers and enchanting sounds of cherubic…

  • B340

    B339 B341 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 340] “Among the duties of these two spirits is that of suggesting to and compelling a man to do more of those manifestations which are in their respective domains. “The spirit on the right constantly strives to make the man refrain from doing those actions which are…

  • B339

    B338 B340 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 339] “And it was precisely these two teachings which began to pass from generation to generation, and to confuse their ‘being-sane-mentation’ which had already been confused enough without them. “Although, in the course of their transmission from generation to generation the details of both these teachings underwent…

  • B338

    B337 B339 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 338] “Well, my boy, the speech of this Hamolinadir at first made such a deep impression upon the beings there that for almost a month they went about, as it is said there, ‘down-in-the-mouth.’ “And when they met each other, they could speak of nothing else but…

  • B337

    B336 B338 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 337] “’Yet at the same time I now honestly declare to you all, that concerning this “question-of-the-beyond” I myself, with the whole of the knowledge that has been accumulated in me, am neither more nor less than just an “idiot-cubed.” “’There is now proceeding among us in…

  • B336

    B335 B337 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 336] “At this point in the speech of this sympathetic terrestrial three-brained being, an attendant offered him a bowl of water, and after he had eagerly drunk the water, he continued to speak, but now more calmly. “He said further: “’Take myself as an example: I am…

  • B335

    B334 B336 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 335] “My friend, Hamolinadir, also had to report about some topic and therefore drew a lot; and it fell to him to speak fifth. “The reporters who preceded him either reported upon new ‘theories’ they had invented or they criticized theories already existing and known to everybody.…

  • B334

    B333 B335 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 334] “Well, my boy, already seven of their months after our arrival in the city of Babylon I once went with this friend of mine there, Hamolinadir, to what is called a ‘general-learned-conference.’ “This ‘general-learned-conference’ had already been convened at that time by the learned beings previously…

  • B317

    B316 B318 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 317] “Bear in mind also, that during the abnormal winds of that time, besides the countries mentioned, several other smallish terra firma spaces of the surface of that hapless planet were also covered by sands. “It is interesting to note here that your contemporary favorites have also…

  • B332

    B331 B333 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 332] “Among the number of the learned beings whom I met for my mentioned aim, was also one named Hamolinadir who had also been brought there by compulsion from Egypt. “Well, during these meetings of ours, almost the same relations were established between this terrestrial three-brained being…

  • B331

    B330 B332 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 331] “And all the atheistic theories maintained just the opposite. “In short, my boy, when we arrived in the city of Babylon there was then proceeding what is called the ‘Building-of-the-Tower-of-Babel.’” Having uttered these latter words, Beelzebub became a little thoughtful and then continued as follows: “Now…

  • B330

    B329 B331 [BTG XXIV Beelzebub’s fifth flight, p. 330] “The consequence was that an interest in this question gradually spread among all the ordinary three-brained beings then existing in Babylon, and by about the time we reached this city it had become the question-of-the-day for all the beings there. “Not only did these learned themselves…