Categoria: BTG XXVII
B377 B379 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 378] “To teach and to suggest to their children how to be insincere with others and deceitful in everything, has become so ingrained in the beings of the planet Earth of the present time, that it has even become their conception of their duty towards their children;…
B388 B390 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 389] “In certain inscriptions which have survived from ancient times and have reached the contemporary beings of that planet, there is, however, some information that there once existed on their planet, what is called a special kind of ‘state-organization’ and that at the head of every such…
B387 B389 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 388] “But the most astonishing and significant result of the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash was that at that period not only did the duration of the existence of these unfortunates become a little more normal, that is to say, it began to increase, but also…
B386 B388 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 387] “At that period the counsel and guidance and in general every word of these chiefs, became law for all the three-brained beings there, and were fulfilled by them with devotion and joy; not as it had proceeded there before the results obtained by the Very Saintly…
B385 B387 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 386] “The first striving: to have in their ordinary being-existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body. “The second striving: to have a constant and unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection in the sense of being. “The third: the conscious striving to know ever more and…
B384 B386 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 385] “And all this then so happened because when the actions of the data of the Divine being-impulse began to participate in the functioning of their ordinary waking-consciousness, and the three-brained beings began manifesting themselves towards each other, solely in accordance with conscience, the consequence was that…
B383 B385 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 384] “Well then, my boy, at the time when the results of the Very Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash had already begun to blend with the processes of what is called their ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ being-existence, and when thanks to this, data for the Divine…
B382 B384 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 383] “I shall without fail explain this to you, because the information elucidating this abnormality there, may serve as very good data for your further logical comparisons for the purpose of better understanding the strangeness of the psyche of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy.…
B381 B383 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 382] “In consequence, there is then automatically obtained, in these three-brained beings there, such a combination of functioning in their common presences as temporarily frees the data present in their subconsciousness for the manifestation of the Divine impulse conscience and for its participation in the functioning of…
B380 B382 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 381] “My later detailed researches and investigations very definitely and clearly showed me that, in that consciousness of theirs, which they call their subconsciousness, even in the beings of the present time, the said data for the acquisition in their presences of this fundamental Divine impulse conscience…
B379 B381 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 380] “Well, then, my boy, when the data arose in the common presences of your favorites for engendering this ‘Unique-particular’ being-impulse egoism and when gradually evolving and giving rise to factors ensuing from it for other also particular but now secondary strange being-impulses, this said ‘Unique-property’ egoism…
B378 B380 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 379] “Furthermore, if, for some reason or other, the actions of the Divine data, crystallized in their presences for the said being-impulse, should now begin to manifest themselves in them from their subconsciousness and should strive to participate in the functioning of their abnormally formed ordinary ‘consciousness,’…
B365 <=> B367 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 366] Chapter XXVII The Organization for Man’s Existence Created by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash BELZEBU continuou a relatar o seguinte: “Minhas pesquisas e investigações posteriores também esclareceram para mim que, depois que o Santíssimo Ashiata Shiemash ponderou sobre a montanha Veziniama e formulou em sua…
B376 B378 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 377] “’Every – real – happiness – for – man – can – arise – exclusively – only – from – some – unhappiness – also – real – which – he – has – already – experienced.’ “The mentioned duality of their general psyche proceeded because…
B375 B377 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 376] “Some time later, in its appropriate place, during my further tales concerning the three-brained beings existing on the planet Earth, I shall also explain to you in detail how thanks to those conditions of external being-existence which were established there, your favorites first began assigning each…
B374 B376 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 375] “The total result, however, of everything I have mentioned, was that within ten terrestrial years there had disappeared of their own accord those two chief forms of ordinary being-existence abnormally established there, from which there chiefly flow and still continue to flow, most of the maleficent…
B373 B375 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 374] “However it might have been, my boy, it then so turned out that almost all of your favorites – those strange three-brained beings – also wished and began to strive with all their spiritualized being-parts to have in their ordinary waking-consciousness the Divine genuine objective conscience,…
B372 B374 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 373] “’And so, only he, who consciously assists the process of this inner struggle and consciously assists the “non-desires” to predominate over the desires, behaves just in accordance with the essence of our COMMON FATHER CREATOR HIMSELF; whereas he who with his consciousness assists the contrary, only…
B371 B373 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 372] “And concerning this he once said as follows: “’The factors for the being-impulse conscience arise in the presences of the three-brained beings from the localization of the particles of the “emanations-of-the-sorrow” of our OMNI-LOVING AND LONG-SUFFERING-ENDLESS-CREATOR; that is why the source of the manifestation of genuine…
B370 B372 [BTG XXVII Organization by Ashiata, p. 371] “When the organization of the first brotherhood Heechtvori in the city Djoolfapal had been more or less regulated and was so established that the further work could already be continued independently, by means only of the directions issuing from the Reason then present in the brotherhood,…