Categoria: BTG XXX

  • B451

    B450 B452 [BTG XXX Art, p. 451] Having said this and having with the tip of his tail wiped off the drops of sweat which had formed on his forehead, Ahoon became silent and adopted his usual attentive posture. With an affectionate glance, Beelzebub looked at him and said: “Thank you, old man, for reminding…

  • B460

    B459 B461 [BTG XXX Art, p. 460] “’I personally suggest that this transmission to future generations be made through the human what are called “Afalkalna,” that is through various productions of man’s hands which have entered into use in the daily life of the people, and also through the human “Soldjinoha,” that is through various…

  • B459

    B458 B460 [BTG XXX Art, p. 459] “’With their diseased Reasons these bestialized men categorically conclude that the previous seriousness and quietness of such men were nothing else but simply what are called “secrecy” and “duplicity.” “’And the result of the psychopathic conclusions of these bestialized men of one or the other hostile party is…

  • B458

    B457 B459 [BTG XXX Art, p. 458] “He then said as follows: “’The past and especially the last two centuries have shown us that during those inevitable psychoses of the masses, from which wars between states and various popular revolts within states always arise, many of the innocent victims of the popular bestiality are invariably…

  • B457

    B456 B458 [BTG XXX Art, p. 457] “Before my enrollment as a member of the club, a great variety of reports and discussions concerning these two mentioned questions had already proceeded at that general meeting of theirs; and on the day of my entry a great deal was said on the question how to obtain…

  • B456

    B455 B457 [BTG XXX Art, p. 456] “When the two mentioned sincere and honest learned beings of the Earth constated what they then called such a ‘distressing phenomenon,’ they deliberated a long time about it with the result that they decided to take advantage of the exceptional circumstance that so many learned beings were together…

  • B455

    B454 B456 [BTG XXX Art, p. 455] “They existed in the suburbs of the city of Babylon and scarcely met any of the learned beings from the general mass; and it was only several days before my admittance among them as a member of this club, that they for the first time united for the…

  • B454

    B453 B455 [BTG XXX Art, p. 454] “Owing to their genuine and sincere striving to the corresponding manner of their existence and to their being-acts, these several terrestrial beings had already, even before their arrival in Babylon, been considered initiates of the first degree by those terrestrial three-brained beings worthy to become what are called…

  • B453

    B452 B454 [BTG XXX Art, p. 453] “This interested me very much, and I thought at once whether it would not be possible for me to make use of this newly opened club for my practice in the Hellenic speech. “I then inquired of certain beings who were going in or coming out of that…

  • B452

    B451 B453 [BTG XXX Art, p. 452] “For an all-round enlightenment of the question about the famous contemporary terrestrial art, and for your clear understanding of how it all came about, you must first know about two facts that occurred in that same city Babylon during our fifth flight in person on to the surface…

  • B461

    B460 B462 [BTG XXX Art, p. 461] “’I personally suggest that this be done through the Universal Law called the “Law of Sevenfoldness.” “’The Law of Sevenfoldness exists on the Earth and will exist forever and in everything. “’For instance, in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in…

  • B450

    B449 B451 [BTG XXX Art, p. 450] “All right, dear Hassein! “I will not, like His Right Reverence, relate to you in detail about any particular oddity of the psyche of those three-brained beings of our Great Universe who have taken your fancy. No, I will only remind His Right Reverence of one factor, the…

  • B449

    B448 <=> B450 [BTG XXX Art, p. 450] Chapter XXX Art NESSE ponto de seus relatos, Belzebu ficou em silêncio e, virando-se de repente para seu velho servo Ahoon, que também estava sentado ali, ouvindo-o com a mesma atenção que seu neto Hassein, disse: “E você, meu velho, também está me ouvindo com o mesmo…

  • B523

    B522 B524 [BTG XXX Art, p. 523] “And it is just because of this said ‘specific’ psyche of the beings there, representatives of contemporary art, that on the one hand what are called now ‘movements’ of art are always arising there among your favorites, and, on the other hand, that those which are somehow arranged…

  • B522

    B521 B523 [BTG XXX Art, p. 522] “The temple I referred to exists there even up till now and is called, it seems, ‘Mont-Saint-Michel.’ “In this Europe still several other inquiring beings noticed from time to time lawful inexactitudes in the works of various branches of art which had reached them from ancient times; but…

  • B521

    B520 B522 [BTG XXX Art, p. 521] “For instance, at the beginning of the contemporary European civilization one of these beings, a certain monk named Ignatius, who had formerly been an architect, attained even to the possibility of deciphering the hidden knowledge and useful information in the productions of almost all the branches of what…

  • B520

    B519 B521 [BTG XXX Art, p. 520] “And it was only just before my last departure from that planet of yours, when the influence of beings of a similar profession from the contemporary ‘European culture’ began to become noticeable also there in Persia, and when the beings of that profession in the community Persia began…

  • B519

    B518 B520 [BTG XXX Art, p. 519] “Now listen why I used the expression ‘almost,’ when I said that at the end of three of their centuries after the Babylonian period there ‘almost’ entirely ceased to exist every kind of conscious and automatic reproduction of the being-Afalkalna and Soldjinoha. “The point is that two branches…

  • B518

    B517 B519 [BTG XXX Art, p. 518] “Thanks chiefly to these two causes, almost all the consciously actualized results of the learned beings of the Babylonian epoch gradually disappeared from the surface of that ill-fated planet and at such a tempo that after three of their centuries scarcely any of them were left. “It must…

  • B470

    B469 B471 [BTG XXX Art, p. 470] “Although I intend to explain to you in detail in the future how and why in the presences of the ‘Insapalnian-cosmic-concentrations’ every kind of definite formation acquires the property, from evolving and involving processes, of producing various effects upon the mentioned organ of the beings, nevertheless I do…