Categoria: BTG XXX
B496 B498 [BTG XXX Art, p. 497] “This mentioned written compromise was that instead of the signs or letters which they could not pronounce, although they understood the sense of this pronunciation, they decided to employ a slightly similar letter of their alphabet at the time, and in order that everybody should understand that it…
B495 B497 [BTG XXX Art, p. 496] “So instead of the said expression Orpheist they just invented the word artist, which had to mean ‘he-who-is-occupied-with-art.’ “In order better to represent to yourself all the causes subsequently arising also from that misunderstanding there, you must first of all know that before the second terrestrial Transapalnian catastrophe,…
B494 B496 [BTG XXX Art, p. 495] “These theaters of theirs came to have a significance of the greatest importance in the ordinary process of existence of your favorites, and on account of this they built particularly large buildings for this purpose which rank in most of their contemporary cities as the most remarkable constructions.…
B493 B495 [BTG XXX Art, p. 494] “Among the latter, both in respect of name and caricature imitations, are their contemporary theaters now existing there. “You remember, I have already told you that both the hall and the demonstrations themselves of the learned beings belonging to the group of mysterists then at Babylon were designated…
B492 B494 [BTG XXX Art, p. 493] “And as regards this word art itself, upon which, thanks to the strangeness of their Reason, there has been ‘piled up’ during this time, as they themselves would say, ‘devil-knows-what,’ I must tell you that my special investigations regarding this word made it clear to me that when…
B491 B493 [BTG XXX Art, p. 492] “When during the period of my sixth and last stay there in person, I heard everywhere about this contemporary art of theirs and came in contact with its results, and when I made clear to myself just what it was all about, then having recalled my Babylonian friends…
B490 B492 [BTG XXX Art, p. 491] “It happened in this way because as the sounds of their melodies which they had combined in a definite sequence entered into my common presence, Djartklom proceeded in them, or as it is otherwise said, the sounds were ‘sorted out’ and acted equally upon all the three variously…
B489 B491 [BTG XXX Art, p. 490] “The learned musicians and singers then in the city of Babylon combined their melodies in such ways that the sequence of the vibrations of the sounds should evoke in the beings a sequence of associations, and therefore also impulses for experiencings, not in the usual automatic order, that…
B498 B500 [BTG XXX Art, p. 499] “A very good elucidating example of what I have just said is afforded by the sensations of the taste and the capacity to pronounce those two definite consonants or those letters known there at the present time and used among almost all the contemporary beings who breed on…
B487 B489 [BTG XXX Art, p. 488] “And they changed their costume in order to manifest themselves more clearly and more strikingly in the fulfillment of the roles they assumed, so that the other learned members present of the club of the Adherents-of-Legominism who checked and selected the fragments of the future mysteries could more…
B486 B488 [BTG XXX Art, p. 487] “So, my boy, in view of the fact that there continue to flow in the presences also of your contemporary favorites three kinds of independent associations which also continue to evoke different kinds of being-impulses, and at the same time that they have already entirely ceased the conscious…
B485 B487 [BTG XXX Art, p. 486] “Concerning the said being-property I have just called Ikriltazkakra, I must add further that just this property alone gives beings the possibility of restraining themselves within the limits of all these impulses and promptings which are evoked at any given moment in their common presences by the associations…
B484 B486 [BTG XXX Art, p. 485] “Three-centered beings can acquire this said being-property called Ikriltazkakra only if there is already personally acquired in their presences what is called ‘Essoaieritoorassnian-will,’ which in its turn can be obtained thanks to always the same being-Partkdolg-duty, that is, to conscious labors and intentional sufferings. “So it was in…
B483 B485 [BTG XXX Art, p. 484] “’Hi! you! Don’t-you-know-your-duty? Don’t-you-see-that-there . . .? pointing with his hand at that moment in the direction of another small room of the club where were the other participants of the demonstrations of that day, ‘Two-citizens-a-“soldier”-and-a-“cobbler”-are-fighting-in-the-street-and-disturbing-the-public-peace-and-here-you-are-leisurely-strolling-about-imagining-yourself-God-knows-who-and-leering-at-the-passing-wives-of-honest-and-respectable-citizens! Just-you-wait-you-scamp! Through-my-chief-the-city’s-chief-physician-I-shall-report-to-your-chief-your-negligence-and-breach-of-duty!’ “From that moment, the learned being who had spoken would…
B482 B484 [BTG XXX Art, p. 483] “Well, then, two of the participants would always come upon these ‘reflectors-of-reality’ or stages, first; and then usually one of them stood for a while and, as it were, listened to his own what is called ‘Darthelhlustnian’ state, or, as it is sometimes otherwise said, to the state…
B481 B483 [BTG XXX Art, p. 482] “The learned members of the club of the Adherents-of-Legominism belonging to this group then in Babylon, indicated what they wished in the movements and in the actions of the participants in the mysteries in the following way: “For instance, suppose that in order to fulfill his role in…
B480 B482 [BTG XXX Art, p. 481] “Rather more than half of all the anomalies arising in the general psyche of your favorites, particularly those of recent times, are due in the first place to their having in their entire presence a process of three different kinds of independent associations evoking in them the being-impulses…
B507 B509 [BTG XXX Art, p. 508] “In other words, when they happen to be in these theaters, they are not entirely in that passive state in which the proceeding of the transformation of substances required for their usual waking state has somehow become automatized in them also, with the result that these contemporary theaters…
B515 B517 [BTG XXX Art, p. 516] “And the means of tickling which infallibly act on the psyche of these unfortunate favorites of yours are as I noticed during my stay there, the following: “Suppose that the face of one of these representatives of art resembles the face of a crocodile, then be sure to…
B514 B516 [BTG XXX Art, p. 515] “The first is that, owing as always to the same conditions of ordinary being-existence abnormally established there, and also to the existing ‘illusorily inflated’ maleficent idea of their famous art, these representatives of art gradually become crowned, as I have already said, with an imaginary halo in the…