Categoria: BTG XXXIII
B578 <=> B580 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 580] Chapter XXXIII Beelzebub as Professional Hypnotist BELZEBU continuou a relatar o seguinte: “Quando eu estava entre os seus favoritos como hipnotizador profissional, fiz meus experimentos elucidativos sobre a psique deles principalmente por meio desse estado particular deles, que os seres contemporâneos chamam de ‘estado hipnótico’.…
B579 B581 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 580] “It cannot be denied that, as I have already told you, it is possible to bring them into such a psychic state by making them fix their gaze on a brilliant or bright object, but not all beings there, not by a long way, the reason…
B580 B582 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 581] “This being-Oskolnikoo or gratitude was manifested towards me not only by those I saved and by those nearest to them, but by almost everybody who had been in this or another way in contact with me or who had heard of me, but only with the…
B581 B583 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 582] “And so, my boy, I began my activities in the capacity of a physician-hypnotist, as I have already told you, in the center of the continent Asia, in various towns of Turkestan. “I was first in the town of that part of Turkestan which later came…
B582 B584 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 583] “This maleficent means is obtained there chiefly from the surplanetary formation called the ‘potato.’ “From the use of the said vodka, not only does the psyche of the ill-fated three-brained beings there become, just as from ‘opium’ and ‘anasha’ also, utterly ‘nonsensical’ but in addition certain…
B583 B585 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 584] “But to remain in this Turkestan and to organize my existence there in such a way as to have the full possibility of giving my planetary body the required rest I could not, in any way, because in almost all the beings there on that part…
B584 B586 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 585] “Do you remember, I already told you that I was in this Egypt for the first time during my fourth appearance on the surface of that planet of yours, where I descended for the purpose of collecting with the help of several beings of our tribe…
B585 B587 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 586] “Do you remember that at one time I told you that not one of the achievements of the beings of past generations had ever reached beings of subsequent generations? “Well it has become aware in me that I have made a mistake about this. “Not once…
B586 B588 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 587] “Certain members of this society who already had some notion of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh, discovered, by their persistent labors, how to obtain from their own atmosphere and also from certain surplanetary formations each of its sacred parts separately, and by keeping these sacred cosmic ‘force-bearing’…
B587 B589 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 588] “But those planetary bodies upon which they employed the mentioned means remained intact and exist there even to the present time. “And these surviving planetary bodies are called by the contemporary beings ‘mummies.’ “The transformation of the planetary bodies into mummies was effected by the beings…
B589 <=> B591 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 590] “I shall say nothing now concerning just how and in what form the psyche of the three-brained beings breeding there on this part of the terra firma surface of your planet came to be molded. “Some time later perhaps, in its proper place, I shall…