Categoria: BTG XXXIV

  • B604

    B603 B605 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 604] “The first steps I took showed me that on account of the laws which had been so long before fixed in the process of existence of this community, a permit to have the right to have one’s own chemical laboratory had to be issued there by a certain…

  • B612

    B611 B613 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 612] “When my first acquaintance, the important Russian, learned about this decision of mine, he was greatly grieved; greatly grieved also were yet several other Russian beings who indeed wished more or less good for their fatherland, and who, during this period, had had time to become clearly convinced…

  • B611

    B610 B612 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 611] “Those petty ‘intrigues’ of theirs proceeded in full between the separate parties as well as between the separate members of that absolutely indispensable state organization, just at the time I arrived with my first Russian acquaintance in the chief place of existence of the said community. “When those…

  • B610

    B609 B611 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 610] “It is further also necessary to tell you here that when from among these learned beings of ‘new format’ some become power-possessing and happen to take up important responsible posts in the process of ordinary existence, they then often serve much more as the sources of every kind…

  • B609

    B608 B610 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 609] “And in the beginning, all my suggestions which he reported at the general meetings of the Trusteeship were always accepted for actualization. “But when several participants of this Trusteeship accidentally learned that the initiative for many useful measures had issued from me – some foreign doctor or other,…

  • B608

    B607 B609 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 608] “And you of course well understand that if any one of them were to have seen it, then everyone would very soon have known that I was not a being of their planet, after which it would have become already entirely impossible to remain among them and to…

  • B607

    B606 B608 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 607] “Besides this, one of these departments, why I don’t know, required that a certificate issued by another department should be stamped by a third. “In one department I had to sign a certain paper; in another to answer questions having nothing to do with chemistry; while in a…

  • B606

    B605 B607 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 606] “Of these private laboratories, such as I wished to set up, not one but thousands could there be had; it was merely necessary to know first of all what abnormal ‘goings’ and ‘comings’ were the practice for procuring the permits for these laboratories, and then to act in…

  • B605

    B604 B606 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 605] “But as to what I said, namely, that nobody applied for a permit to the staff of the mentioned department, this by no means happened because none of the inhabitants of this chief place of existence needed a chemical laboratory; no, on the contrary, never had there been…

  • B613

    B612 B614 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 613] “Two days later the opening of this building took place and, having the previous evening received what is called ‘an official invitation,’ I betook myself to that ceremony. “Well, at this general state solemnity of the contemporary many-millioned community, to which came even he himself, as they call…

  • B603

    B602 B604 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 603] “I will explain to you later about this same ‘particular-functioning-of-their-common-presences.’ “I touched upon this question in this place only to give you a presentation of the already particularly abnormal conditions of being-existence among which my activities among the beings of this large community flowed at this period during…

  • B602

    B601 B603 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 602] “But enough about this. Listen further now to the events in which I happened to take part after my arrival in the chief place of existence of the community Russia, then called Saint Petersburg. “As I have already said, while my acquaintance, the said important Russian, settled up…

  • B601

    B600 B602 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 601] “Here, my boy, while giving the subtlety of the psychological analysis of our most wise Mullah Nassr Eddin its due, justice demands that it should be said that if these Russians have become such exemplary turkeys, we have, in this case, to blame it only once more on…

  • B600

    B599 B601 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 600] “’These Russians moreover correspond ideally to this peculiar bird turkey, as the following considerations of mine show: “’Arising and being formed on the continent Asia, but chiefly owing to a clean heredity, organic as well as psychic, forged in the course of many centuries in conditions of existence…

  • B599

    B598 B600 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 599] “He developed this thought of his in a long dissertation thus: ‘If we analyze impartially and sum up statistically this understanding and picturing which obtain among people of the contemporary civilization concerning the races which populate Europe, in contradistinction to other continents, and make an analogy between these…

  • B598

    B597 B599 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 598] “When the said cavalcade had moved off a long way, Mullah first of all uttering his favorite saying: ‘So-and-so-and-so-must-be; do-not-do-what-must-not-be,’ and having also uttered his favorite exclamation, somewhat resembling ‘Zrrt!!,’ he returned to his place and suggested to me that I should do the same, then, having arranged…

  • B597

    B596 B598 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 597] “Once, on the second or third day apparently, after my arrival there, on going to him in the morning, my eye was struck by an unusual movement in the streets: everywhere there were being cleaned, swept, and hung out what are called ‘carpets,’ ‘shawls,’ ‘flags,’ and so on.…

  • B596

    B595 B597 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 596] “After I had constated this and began specially to investigate this question there, I finally elucidated that this dual individuality obtained in their common presences, chiefly owing to a noncorrespondence between what is called the ‘tempo-of-the-place-of-their-arising-and-existence’ and the ‘form-of-their-being-mentation.’ “In my opinion, my boy, you will very well…

  • B614

    B613 B615 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 614] “To my question as to what caused all this, our Ahoon explained to me that on that day, in our street, the arrival of a very important general of that community was expected. “On this same day, in the afternoon, while I was sitting at home and talking…

  • B615

    B614 B616 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 615] “And not ceasing to look at the said figure and giving himself up to the feeling of his rapture, or, more strictly speaking, with all his feelings coursing together through him, he further continued: “’I myself am very much interested in all ancient art, but chiefly in Chinese,…