Categoria: BTG XXXIV

  • B616

    B615 B617 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 616] “This former mama’s darling, when he arrived and began to speak to me, manifested himself at first towards me quite automatically according to the data fixed in his common presence by the rules enforcedly inculcated into him of what are called bon ton; and when a little later…

  • B617

    B616 B618 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 617] “From this moment, I had, in the sense of my ‘outer manifestations,’ as our esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin would say, to ‘dance in everything to his tune.’ “As soon as we had left the station and were seated in the carriage, he immediately began to show me and…

  • B618

    B617 B619 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 618] “In the course of the whole of that day, I was so occupied with the fulfillment of all the innumerable foolish manipulations required from me and which fatigued me in view of my declining years, that I did not even notice what the unfortunate Emperor there looked like…

  • B619

    B618 B620 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 619] “The manifestation of the mentioned ‘Vietro-yretznel’ personally in relation to my person began to have their action already from the very morning of the following day, in this sense that every data for ‘being-notion’ about my personality which had been before this already soundly fixed in the presences…

  • B620

    B619 B621 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 620] “The owners of the houses, shopkeepers, children, and in general all who dwelt in the same street as I did, became as amiable with me as if I intended to leave each of them a large ‘American legacy,’ and so on and so forth. “After this ‘Emptykralnian’ happening…

  • B621

    B620 B622 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 621] “And in order to remember all this, these czars must of course also practice. “And what it means to practice, you can probably already picture to yourself after what I have just told you. I understood this with all my Being, when I prepared myself for my illustrious…

  • B622

    B621 B623 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 622] “In order that you should the better understand about both those factors, I will explain to you about each of them separately, and will begin by the cosmic law Solioonensius. “First of all you must be told that all the three-brained beings, on whatever planet they may arise,…

  • B623

    B622 B624 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 623] “The tension in all the planets acts also on the common presences of all beings arising and breeding on them, always engendering in the beings, besides desires and intentions of which they are not aware, the feeling called ‘sacred Iabolioonosar,’ or as your favorites would say, the feeling…

  • B624

    B623 B625 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 624] “I will explain to you somewhat later how they represent to themselves this famous freedom of theirs, and now I will only tell you that that feeling which arises from the action of Solioonensius strengthens in them the need for some or other general change in the conditions…

  • B653

    B652 B654 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 653] “Of course to no one of them does the thought even enter his head that these Americans importing this ‘good-for-nothing’ root are indeed, though in a subjective sense, ‘mad,’ yet in an objective sense they are merely, as they themselves express it, ‘daylight robbers’ of the beings of…

  • B654

    B653 B655 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 654] “I repeat: thanks to the said property which only recently became fixed in their general psyche, it has already become natural at the present time, and as it were according to law, always either to influence another or to find oneself under the influence of others. “In both…

  • B655

    B654 B656 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 655] “They could not for instance consider even this, that conditions of ordinary existence among these French beings are perhaps being built up all the time abnormally and therefore they had not yet had time to become aware of the necessity of sometimes, as in the given case, washing…

  • B656

    B655 B657 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 656] “Here, by the way, it is necessary to remark that the duration there of the existence of any community plays indeed a great role in the sense of the acquisition by beings of its good customs and instinctive habits. “But unfortunately for all the three-brained beings of the…

  • B633

    B632 B634 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 633] “That is why, my boy, at the present time there on that ill-fated planet, every being who has already reached responsible age, instead of the real knowledge which every normal three-brained being should have concerning the events which took place on their planet in the past, knows about…

  • B641

    B640 B642 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 641] “And the very same night, with the help of forty pairs of buffalo, this original ‘skewer’ was dragged and thrown into the river Nile. “I saw such punishment meted out in this spirit, both during my stay personally on the surface of this planet of yours, as well…

  • B640

    B639 B641 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 640] “You may picture to yourself, my boy, what on that day began to be accomplished everywhere on that Egypt, in order to have in their sacred vessels the greatest number of eyes of the beings who belonged in that period of the flow of time to the caste…

  • B639

    B638 B640 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 639] “Those were to be elected as chiefs for the towns and villages who would put in their ‘sacred’ vessels more of what are called ‘kroahns’ than others; a kroahn was the name given then in Egypt to sacrificial offerings. “The points is that, according to what is called…

  • B638

    B637 B639 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 638] “In the heat of this last process of theirs, namely, during this Russian Bolshevism, the contemporary beings of other communities grew very sincerely agitated when the beings, who by chance had become as it were ‘active’ in this distressing process, gave orders to other ordinary beings, as it…

  • B637

    B636 B638 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 637] “Thanks only to this physical abnormality, there gradually become more deranged in their common presences many functionings, both of their planetary body, already deranged without this, and of their ‘body-Kesdjan’ – if of course this second being-body is already coated in them and has attained to the required,…

  • B636

    B635 B637 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 636] “’And since evidently this still ordinary John Geoffrey was firstly, as is said there, a “good sport,” and secondly being a “rascal” who had much “vanity,” he with tears in his eyes shrugged his shoulders – “if I must be lost, then let me be lost” – consented,…