Categoria: BTG XXXVIII

  • B717

    B716 B718 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 717] “During the last century one of these favorite places on another continent for the beings of this peculiar planet, was the country of ancient Gemchania or as contemporary beings say there ‘India.’ “Do you remember that I once told you that to that self-same Gemchania of the continent…

  • B705

    B704 B706 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 705] “Beings of certain European communities have during recent centuries greatly contributed by their incitement to the rise of this peculiar transformation of that strange being-function. “And they have employed and continue to employ this incitement in order that the animosity between the beings who follow these two independent…

  • B706

    B705 B707 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 706] “But your favorites did not allow even this to happen, but by their ‘military expedition’ or ‘Anglo-Tibetan’ war, without so much as a thought, knocked this possibility soundly on the head. “About this ‘military expedition’ I will tell you a little later. “And I shall tell you about…

  • B707

    B706 B708 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 707] “But these contemporary and now archstrange three-brained beings there have taken upon themselves to sweep this also entirely from off the face of their planet. “Although the process of the strangeness of their peculiar psyche, namely, the process of the final destruction of these two great religions, began…

  • B708

    B707 B709 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 708] “They produced these ‘wars’ or ‘crusades’ only in order that this city of Jerusalem – in which this Divine Teacher Jesus Christ had existed, suffered, and died – should become exclusively Christian; and during these Crusades of theirs nearly half the beings of male sex of that continent…

  • B709

    B708 B710 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 709] “Furthermore, not only have these sacrilegious beings gradually distorted for their egoistic and political aims the teachings of this Divine Teacher, but they have now begun to destroy even the memory of it. “But there! That also has long been in the style of your favorites. “In this…

  • B710

    B709 B711 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 710] “The power-possessing beings of certain communities there gradually mixed into this divine teaching, for their said Hasnamussian aims such ‘spices’ of their own invention, that a ‘Sherakhoorian-combination’ resulted, the secret of which would be the envy of all the contemporary famous European as they are called ‘pastry cooks’…

  • B711

    B710 B712 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 711] “Of course, by the destruction in Turkey of this ‘dervishism’ those last dying sparks will also be entirely extinguished there which, preserved as it were in the ashes, might sometime rekindle the hearth of those possibilities upon which Saint Mohammed counted and for which he had hoped. “And…

  • B712

    B711 B713 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 712] “’Eh! . . . get along with you . . .’ “In Russia, moreover, none of this began with the yashmak or the fez. “No. These headdresses were not worn there. “But it was begun there with the ‘beard’ of the beings of the male sex. For the…

  • B713

    B712 B714 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 713] “It is very interesting to notice further that just as formerly the Russian czar was supplied by his nearest old patriarchal functionaries with a great quantity of what is called ‘money,’ obtained by the sweat of the peasants, and was sent to the continent of Europe to study…

  • B714

    B713 B715 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 714] “Much good, by the way, the present chief rulers of this community Turkey saw and absorbed in the community Germany to which they were sent for the purpose of studying what is called ‘militarism,’ that is, the special finesses for directing the processes of reciprocal destruction. “That is…

  • B715

    B714 B716 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 715] “Now let us talk about what I promised to tell you a little more in detail, namely, about the teachings of the last Sacred Individual who appeared among the beings of Tibet, Saint Lama, and about the causes of the complete destruction of that teaching also. “The teaching…

  • B716

    B715 B717 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 716] “Certain beings among their number had already attained such a deliverance, many others were already on the path of this attainment, while many of them were hopeful of one day also reaching the way of this achievement. “But just when the conditions and environment for productive work in…

  • B704

    B703 B705 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 704] “Now as regards the fourth great religion existing there now, which arose several centuries after the Christian religion, and was founded on the teaching of the full-of-hope Saint Mohammed, this religion at first spread there widely: and it might perhaps have become eventually a ‘hearth of hope and…

  • B718

    B717 B719 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 718] “And this further new combination of their general psyche occurred also thanks to a slight unforeseen misunderstanding connected with the common Harmonic-Movement of the whole of that solar system. “I will some time explain to you also about the details of that misunderstanding. “And meanwhile let us return…

  • B719

    B718 B720 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 719] “And there in Gemchania too, beings of one community began to pipe with full blast against beings of another community that ‘Hasnamussian music’ they call ‘policy,’ that is, they began to ‘criticize’ each other, to ‘lower each other’s standing,’ to ‘down each other,’ and so on, their aim…

  • B720

    B719 B721 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 720] “In spite of the fact that two centuries had passed, yet at that period to which my further tale refers concerning the destruction by contemporary beings of the labors of Saint Lama, it all continued in the same way. “Having become proud of their success, the recent heads…

  • B721

    B720 B722 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 721] “And they learned about it only when that mob was already up. “When the beings of this high country learned of this unusual event, they immediately became alarmed and agitated, because they had grown accustomed to the notion during many centuries that the place of their existence was…

  • B722

    B721 B723 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 722] “When, after several days, it became clear that these uninvited guests would not consent to return, but as a consequence of this request even hastened to move forward more deeply into the country, the members of the first council became even more alarmed, arranged a second council and…

  • B723

    B722 B724 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 723] “’The existence of every being is equally precious and dear to our COMMON CREATOR GOD; therefore the destruction of these beings, so great a number of them too, would give no small grief to that one, who, even without this, is overburdened with the care and sorrow of…