Categoria: BTG XLIV
B1119 B1121 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1120] “And so . . . I have already once told you that when I descended for the fifth time on to the surface of this planet of yours, I remained on it a short time and soon returned home to the planet Mars. “This happened then…
B1131 B1133 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1132] “It was just during that period of his existence that he understood certain cosmic truths. “And in consequence of the fact that data for the engendering of the being-impulse called ‘love-of-kind’ were still crystallized in him as in most of the three-brained beings of that period,…
B1130 B1132 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1131] “He soon became worthy on account of his scientific merits even to become a full member of the learned society Akhaldan. “During the process of his responsible existence in the scientific field, he once more clearly saw the real value of his own significance and sincerely…
B1129 B1131 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1130] “I shall begin by saying that when I decided to occupy myself there with this, I then began from that time on, whenever I met any corresponding individual to inquire about everything which in totality might throw some light on one or other aspect of the…
B1128 B1130 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1129] “First of all, my boy, I consider it necessary to tell you sincerely, just to you, my direct substitute, that although all the righteous dwellers on the holy planet, with the help of various and at the same time very elaborate means, made it clear that…
B1127 B1129 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1128] “And therefore, at the next appearance on the holy planet of our ALL-MOST-GRACIOUS CREATOR ENDLESSNESS, this request was laid at HIS feet. “OUR ALL-MOST-GRACIOUS CREATOR then, as it is said, only thought a little and then consented to command that this deserving soul should continue to…
B1126 B1128 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1127] “Well it was just then, my boy, after the dwellers on the holy planet had sanctioned this resolution, that as I expressed it, that ‘turmoil’ broke out there which, even until now, not one of the Sacred Individuals who knew this epic story can recall without…
B1125 B1127 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1126] “When the righteous dwellers on the holy planet had made all this clear to themselves, they began to consider and deliberate among themselves how to find a way out of the situation and what they could do from their side. “As it was related to me,…
B1124 B1126 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1125] “The more these indignant righteous ‘souls’ shared their impressions with others, the greater their number gradually increased, so that everywhere in the ‘Zarooaries’ on the holy planet they thought and deliberated among themselves only about this. “The result of it all was that all of the…
B1123 B1125 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1124] “Your uncle Tooilan afterwards always did so. Whenever he received etherograms from me he always reproduced their contents in the common planetary Toolookhterzinek, and in this way all those righteous souls dwelling on the holy planet were kept informed of all my observations and investigations of…
B1122 B1124 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1123] “By the way, it was just at this period that their subjectively favorite subjects for observation and study were gradually formed in each of my sons. “Namely, your father liked to observe and study the mutual influence and maintenance of cosmic concentrations situated in the spheres…
B1121 B1123 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1122] “From then on, apart from the execution of his strict duties which at the beginning were not too much for him, he began to devote himself entirely to the creation of corresponding outer and inner conditions so that my sons should take in impressions for the…
B1120 B1122 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1121] “And your uncle Tooilan, as I have also already told you, was then enrolled as one of the assistants to the director of the etherogram station on the holy planet Purgatory, which, then as now, has an ‘etherogram connection’ with almost all the planets of our…
B1132 B1134 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1133] “Seven very exact copies were made of it just for this purpose from the said tusks of the Chirniano. “One of these mentioned copies, as my what is called ‘Spipsychoonalian investigations’ cleared up for me, was then assigned to that branch of the Church which was…
B1118 <=> B1120 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1119] Chapter XLIV In the opinion of Beelzebub, Man’s Understanding of Justice Is for Him in the Objective Sense an Accursed Mirage SORRINDO e continuando a olhar carinhosamente para seu neto Hassein, Belzebu disse: “Só agora, meu caro futuro substituto, depois de tudo o que lhe…
B1143 B1145 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1144] “In short, to the imagination of these three-brained freaks of our Megalocosmos, a Devil is that invisible ‘somebody’ existing, as it were, among them, who on the command of our CREATOR ALL-MAINTAINER dwells on their planet for certain of HIS ALL-MAINTAINER’S aims. “These Devils, as it…
B1142 B1144 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1143] “The Angels, the bearers and spreaders of ‘Good,’ that is of the most high and most divine, being themselves high and divine, could never be seen or sensed by men. “But as regards the Devils, they, having the lowest origin, that is to say, coming from…
B1141 B1143 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1142] “And this notion then arose there evidently because the beings of our tribe had an incommensurably longer duration of existence than theirs, and hence the cases of the sacred ‘Rascooarno’ among our tribe were rare, and perhaps it happened that in those periods this sacred process…
B1140 B1142 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1141] “And indeed at the present time there, your favorites have already based all questions without exception, questions concerning ordinary being-existence as well as questions about self-perfecting and also about various ‘philosophies’ and every kind of ‘science’ existing there, and of course also about their innumerable ‘religious…
B1139 B1141 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1140] “Thanks to the aforesaid Boolmarshano of his and according to other data elucidated by me there on the spot, there was crystallized in me, both concerning Makary Kronbernkzion himself and everything else, my own special opinion, entirely different from the one which the righteous dwellers of…