conditions of being-existence

“And so, my boy, the process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh proceeds in the presence of each of these favorites of yours, and in them also, all its three holy forces are blended independently with other cosmic crystallizations, and go for the corresponding actualizations, but as, chiefly owing to the already mentioned abnormal conditions of being-existence gradually established by them themselves, they have entirely ceased to fulfill being-Partkdolg-duty, then, in consequence of this none of those holy sources of everything existing with the exception of the denying source alone, is transubstantiated for their own presences.BTG XVII

“To tell the truth, this old man had remained with him only on account of old age which, owing to abnormal being-existence most of the beings there reach; that is to say, on account of his complete uselessness for anything required under the conditions of being-existence there.BTG XIX

” So, my boy, from that time when the mentioned definite notion had begun to exist, your favorites began leaving those already established conditions of being-existence on account of which the predisposition to the crystallization of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer had become intense in their presences, and in which conditions, as the Divine Teacher Buddha supposed, the said ‘endurance’ towards others ‘manifestations displeasing to oneself’, could alone crystallize in their common presences that ‘Partkdolg-duty’ which in general is necessary for all three-centered beings.BTG XXI

“As the manifestations of those abnormal conditions of being-existence of most of the three-brained beings there which had already been established before the catastrophe had by this time already begun to ‘boil furiously on the said part of the surface of the continent Grabontzi, these surviving members of the society Akhaldan looked for another place on the same continent for their permanent existence more suitable for this work of theirs which demanded complete separateness.BTG XXIII

“I touched upon this question in this place only to give you a representation of the already particularly abnormal conditions of being-existence among which my activities among the beings of this large community flowed at this period during this sojourn of mine in their chief place of existence, St. Petersburg.BTG XXXIV

“And that is why, my dear Grandfather, every year during these Dionosks we all remembered and talked only of you, and each one of us strove with his whole Being to manifest the sincere wish that your destiny may constantly create for you those conditions of being-existence which might aid you quickly and easily to bring your Reason up to the required sacred gradation and that thereby you might the sooner finish your present ‘ordinarybeing-existence’, personally burdensome for you”.BTG XXXIX

“And these customs are so deeply implanted in their everyday existence by their religion that at the present time, observing them mechanically without any wiseacring, beings are thereby more or less ensured against several evils which owing to the abnormally established conditions of being-existence have been gradually formed and still continue to be formed in uncountable numbers on that ill-fated planet.BTG XLII

“So it is not difficult to picture to yourself that the sudden appearance of that quadruped animal called ‘bull’, such as she had seen at home on the farm and which had enjoyed there the affection of all the children, who secretly even took it bread from the table, was to this as yet unformed impressionable young girl a shock for the corresponding associations under the influence of which, she, being full of a feeling of sincere happiness still unspoiled by the abnormally established conditions of being-existence, instantly wished to share her happiness with her bosom friend who was some distance off, and shouted to her to look at that dear bull.BTG XLII

“And no sense is ever obtained, partly because only isolated beings there ponder over this matter, and partly thanks to the absence there, as is usual, of one common planetary organization for a single line of action; and therefore, if even the mentioned isolated beings ponder over this question and constate something sensible about this horror, then this constating of theirs is never widely spread and fails to penetrate into the consciousness of other beings. And in addition, it is very sad about this ‘sincere pondering’ of the beings upon similar questions. I must tell you that thanks to the abnormally established conditions of being-existence there, the ‘waking psyche’ as it is expressed there, of each one of them gradually becomes from the very beginning of responsible existence such that he can ‘think sincerely’ and see things in the true light exclusively only if his stomach is so full of first being-food that it is impossible for what are called ‘wandering nerves’ in it to move, or, as they themselves say, he is ‘stuffed quite full’; and besides, all his needs already inherent in him which are unbecoming to three-brained beings and which have become the dominant factors for the whole of his presence, are fully satisfied, of course, only for that given moment.BTG XLIII

“In the course of observations during my last sojourn there I cleared up, among other things, that the beings with objective Reason do not happen to be in these societies for the following reasons: “The point is that in order to participate in any society whatsoever, a being must always of necessity be important and such a being there among them, thanks once again to the abnormally established conditions of being-existence, can only be one who either has a great deal of money or who becomes what is called ‘famous’ among the other beings there.BTG XLIII

“It is possible that the Kurd Atarnakh, being an unusual terrestrial being, would have understood this also if he had known the details of the results that had been obtained after those conditions of being-existence had been already more or less established on this planet, which were especially created for the three-brained beings arising there by the Most Saintly Labors of the ‘essence-loving’ Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash.BTG XLIII

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