“Owing to these two fundamental sacred cosmic laws, there first arise from the substance called ‘Etherokrilno’, under certain conditions, what are called ‘crystallizations’ and from these crystallizations, but later, and also under certain conditions, there are formed various large and small, more or less independent, cosmic definite formations. 876 BTG XVII
“It is just within and upon these cosmic definite formations that the processes of what are called the involution and evolution of the already formed concentrations and also of the said crystallizations take place of course also according to the two said fundamental sacred laws and all the results obtained from those processes in atmospheres, and further, by means of these atmospheres themselves, blend and go for the actualizing of the said ‘exchange-of-matters’ for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. 877 BTG XVII
“Not only is this Etherokrilno the basis for the arising of all cosmic concentrations without exception, both large and small, but also all cosmic phenomena in general proceed during some transformation in this same fundamental cosmic substance as well as during the processes of the involution and evolution of various crystallizations or, as your favorites say, of those active elements which have obtained ..nd still continue to obtain their prime arising from this same fundamental prime-source cosmic substance. 879 BTG XVII
“I repeat, among the number of other already definite cosmic crystallizations, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh unfailingly always participates in both large and small cosmic formations, wherever and under whatever external surrounding conditions they may arise in the Universe. 888 BTG XVII
“Know first that, in general, every such cosmic formation called ‘brain’ receives its formation from those crystallizations the affirming source for whose arising, according to the sacred Triamazikamno, is one or another of the corresponding holy forces of the fundamental sacred Triamazikamno, localized in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh. And the further actualizings of the same holy forces proceed by means of the presences of the beings, just through those localizations. 904 BTG XVII
“And so, my boy, the process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh proceeds in the presence of each of these favorites of yours, and in them also, all its three holy forces are blended independently with other cosmic crystallizations, and go for the corresponding actualizations, but as, chiefly owing to the already mentioned abnormal conditions of being-existence gradually established by them themselves, they have entirely ceased to fulfill being-Partkdolg-duty, then, in consequence of this none of those holy sources of everything existing with the exception of the denying source alone, is transubstantiated for their own presences. 924 BTG XVII
“The crystallizations arising in their presences from the first and from the third holy forces go almost entirely for the service only of the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process, while for the coating of their own presences there are only the crystallizations of the second part of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, namely, of the ‘Holy-Denying’; and hence it is that the majority of them remain with presences consisting of the planetary body alone, and thus are, for themselves, destroyed forever. 925 BTG XVII
“In all my three ‘being-centers’ namely, in the three centers localized in the presence of every three-centered being, and which exist under the names of ‘Thinking’, ‘Feeling’, and ‘Moving’ centers there began to be perceived separately and independently in each of them in a very strange and unusual way very definite impressions that there was taking place in the separate parts of my whole planetary body an independent process of the sacred ‘Rascooarno’, and that the cosmic crystallizations which composed the presences of these parts were flowing ‘in vain’. 1004 BTG XVIII
“‘No sooner was this lamentable fact which proceeded in the presences of the three-brained beings breeding on this planet Earth first made clear, than by All-Gracious sanction of our COMMON FATHER, a suitable Sacred Individual was immediately sent here, so that, being coated with a presence like your own and having become perfected by Objective Reason under the conditions already established here, he might better explain and show you the way of eradicating from your presences the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer as well as your inherited predispositions to new crystallizations. 1484 BTG XXI
“These Korkaptilnian thought tapes are never destroyed as long as the given planet exists, which is in what is called the ‘tempo of movement of the prime arising’; and they are subject to none of those transformations from any cosmic causes whatsoever to which all other cosmic substances and cosmic crystallizations are periodically subject. 1788 BTG XXIII
“In addition, those of them who were consciously perfected and had thereby brought the sensibility of the perception of their organ of sight like three-brained beings everywhere else up to what is called the ‘Olooessultratesnokhnian state’, acquired the possibility of perceiving also the visibility of all these cosmic units situated at the same distance, which arise and have their further existence dependent upon the crystallizations localized directly from the sacred Theomertmalogos, that is to say from the emanations of our most holy Sun Absolute. 1846 BTG XXIII
“I have already more than once told you, that by the All Most Gracious Command of Our OMNI-LOVING COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS, our Cosmic Highest Most Very Saintly Individuals sometimes actualize within the presence of some terrestrial three-brained being, a ‘definitized’ conception of a sacred Individual in order that he, having become a terrestrial being with such a presence, may there on the spot ‘orientate himself’ and give to the process of their ordinary being-existence such a corresponding new direction, thanks to which, the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, as well as the predispositions to such new crystallizations, might perhaps be removed from their presences. 2083 BTG XXV
“‘Thanks to this kind of love in the contemporary beings here, their hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer are crystallized at the present time without hindrance, and finally become fixed in their nature as a lawful part of them. 2142 BTG XXVI
“‘In consequence of this newly-formed-abnormal hope of theirs, they always hope in something; and thereby all those possibilities are constantly being paralyzed in them, which arise in them either intentionally from without or accidentally by themselves, which possibilities could perhaps still destroy in their presences their hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer. 2145 BTG XXVI
“When this great and, by His Reason, almost incomparable Sacred Individual became fully convinced that the ordinary sacred ways which exist for the purpose of self-perfection for all the three-brained beings of the Universe, were no longer suitable for the beings of this planet, He then, after His year of special observation and studies of their psyche, again ascended to that same mountain Veziniama, and during several terrestrial months contemplatively pondered in which way He could actualize His decision, that is to save the beings of this planet from those hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, by means of those data which survived in their subconsciousness for the fundamental sacred being-impulse, Conscience. 2173 BTG XXVI
“And this special coloration occurred, as I later ascertained, because there appeared from time to time, in the presence of this atmosphere, large quantities of those crystallizations which were frequently radiated from the presences of these favorites of yours, owing to that particular inner impulse which they themselves call ‘Remorse-of-Conscience’. 2237 BTG XXVII
“And as this Remorse-of-Conscience gives rise to the mentioned particular crystallizations which issue from them with their other radiations, the result is that the totality of all these radiations occasionally gives the atmosphere of this planet of yours that particular coloration which hinders the being-organ of sight from penetrating freely through it. 2240 BTG XXVII
“This ‘something’ in these separate cosmic individuals arises and blends in the process of the transformation of substances in then with the crystallizations resulting from the action of the entire ‘spectrum’ of certain what are called ‘Naloo-osnian-impulses’. 2368 BTG XXVIII
“And as regards this word art itself, upon which, thanks to the strangeness of their Reason, there has been ‘piled up’ during this time, as they themselves would say, ‘devil-knows-what’, I must tell you that my special investigations regarding this word made it clear to me that when this word among the other words and separate expressions used by the learned beings of that time also began automatically to pass from generation to generation and chanced to get into the vocabulary of certain three-brained beings there, in whose presences, owing to various surrounding circumstances, the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer proceeded in that sequence and ‘reciprocal-action’, as a result of which they predisposed the arising in their common presences of data for the Being of Hasnamuss–individuals then this said word for some reason or other happening to please just this kind of three-brained being there, they began using it for their egoistic aims, and gradually made from it that very something which, although it continues to consist of, as it is said, ‘complete vacuity’, yet has gradually collected about itself a fairylike exterior, which now ‘blinds’ every one of these favorites of yours who keeps his attention on it only a little longer than usual. 2786 BTG XXX
“But later when, as I have already said, most of them began to exist in a way unbecoming to three-brained beings, Great Nature was constrained to change their Foolasnitamnian-existence into an existence according to the principle of Itoklanoz, and when gradually in the presences of most of them those definite crystallizations foreseen by Great Nature which crystallizations are the most important part of the composition of the second-being-food, and which when assimilated by beings are transformed into substances for the coating and for the further perfecting of their higher-body–Kesdjan ceased, owing to their abnormal being-existence, to be assimilated either consciously or automatically for the purpose indicated, then in consequence of this and also because the afflux of these substances, transformed in other concentrations and getting into the atmospheres of the planets, continued all the time to flow into the atmosphere of your planet, the result was that on this ill-fated planet, among your unfortunate favorites, there arose still another definite ‘disease’ which has already become quite definite in its harmful action upon them. 3215 BTG XXXII
“The point is that not being used up for their predetermined purpose, the said definite cosmic crystallizations become, during certain displacements of their atmosphere, concentrated in certain of their atmospheric strata, and entering into them from time to time dependently on various external surrounding conditions and also on the inner state of the common presences of your favorites, which by the way arises in them chiefly from the form of their mutual relationship just into them as into apparatuses foreseen by Nature in general for the transformation of cosmic substances needed for serving the aims of the Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat, and not meeting there ‘substrata’ corresponding to the requirements of the lawful process of Djartklom, they, that is these cosmic crystallizations, during their subsequent free completed evolutions or involutions for passing into other crystallizations proper to this planet and before completing their transformations, produce upon planetary bodies, thanks already to other accidental factors, that action by which such a mentioned specific disease newly arisen there is characterized. 3216 BTG XXXII
“When, according to various chance circumstances, and wherever significant groups of them became concentrated and they exist together, then several of them in whom firstly for some reason or other the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer had been previously well crystallized, the totality of which crystallizations in general gives to their common presences the impulses for what is called ‘cunning’, and secondly, in whose hands at the given time there appear for some reason or other many different, what are called ‘terrifying means’, or what they themselves call ‘weapons’ quickly set themselves apart from other beings and putting themselves at their head, constitute the beginnings of what are called the ‘ruling class’. 3513 BTG XXXIV
“And so, when, on the one hand, thanks to these crystallizations, there began to be acquired in the common presences of certain terrestrial three-brained beings, the first germs of what are called Hasnamussian properties, in consequence of which such beings began, as is proper to them for their egoistic aims, to invent for the ‘confusion’ of surrounding beings similar to themselves, various fictions, among which were also every kind of fantastic, what are called ‘religious teachings’; and when, on the other hand, other of your favorites began to have faith in these fantastic religious teachings, and gradually lost their ‘sane mentation’ shanks to these same crystallizations, then from that time on there began to arise in the process of the ordinary existence of these strange three-brained beings a large number of ‘Havatvernoni’ or ‘religions’ having nothing in common with each other. 3875 BTG XXXVIII
“Meanwhile know that there, among these terrestrial three-brained beings who please you, there existed and exists a great quantity of all kinds of ‘religious doctrines’ on which these numerous ‘religions’ of theirs are just built up, and that they usually arise in the following way: “I already told you that when it became clear that thanks to the unforeseeingness of certain Most-High-Sacred–Cosmic–Individuals, the results of the consequences of the organ Kundabuffer, invented and later removed by these sacred Individuals, began to become crystallized in the common presences of these unfortunate three-brained beings, thanks to which it became almost impossible for them correctly to become perfected to the Being, which three-brained beings ought to have, then our ABUNDANTLY LOVING COMMON FATHER condescended to actualize sometimes in the common presences of certain of them wherever they may arise the germ of a sacred Individual, so that these latter being completely formed up to responsible age and acquiring Reason in the conditions which had already become fixed in the general process of the existence of the three-brained beings of this planet, should become aware of reality and indicate to the surrounding beings similar to themselves, how they ought, with the Reason present in them, to guide the process of the functioning of their separate spiritualized parts, in order in this way to decrystallize the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, and also to succeed in destroying in themselves the predisposition to new crystallizations. 3879 BTG XXXVIII
“This Sacred Individual, whom your favorites at the present time call ‘Saint Moses’, accomplished a great deal for them and left them many of those exact and corresponding indications for ordinary existence, so that if they would adopt and actualize them normally, then, indeed, all the consequences of the properties of the absolutely maleficent for them organ Kundabuffer might become gradually decrystallized, and even the predisposition for new crystallizations might be destroyed. 3890 BTG XXXVIII
“And it was thanks to that contact there, on that small area of that ill-starred planet, that that accelerated cosmic phenomenon resulted called ‘Noughtounichtono’, that is to say, the sudden and instantaneous evolution of all cosmic formed crystallizations, and, namely, all the neighboring surplanetary formations, were immediately transformed into the prime-source substance Etherokrilno. 4066 BTG XXXVIII
“Thanks to the process of the common-cosmic sacred Triamazikamno thus established in the space of the Universe, crystallizations of different what is called ‘density’ gradually began to be formed around each of the Second-order-Suns out of that same prime-source Etherokrilno, and grouping themselves around these newly arisen Suns, new concentrations began to take form, as a result of which more new Suns were obtained, but this time ‘Third-order-Suns’. 4255 BTG XXXIX
“From that time on HE began to actualize everything further for these cosmoses in such a direction that the inevitable what is called, ‘Okrualno’ i.e., the periodic repetition in them of the completing process of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh might be accomplished in such a way that, under conditions of a certain kind of change in the functioning of the common presences of some of these Tetartocosmoses, there might be transformed and crystallized, besides the crystallizations which had to be transformed for the purpose of the new common-cosmic exchange of substances, also those active elements from which new independent formations might be coated in them themselves with the inherent possibility of acquiring ‘individual Reason’. 4315 BTG XXXIX
“Now as regards the first two lower being-bodies, namely, the planetary–body and the body–Kesdjan, then, after the first sacred Rascooarno of a being, his planetary body, being formed of Microcosmoses or of crystallizations transformed on that planet itself, gradually decomposes and disintegrates there on that same planet, according to a certain second-grade cosmic law called ‘Again-Tarnotoltoor’, into its own primordial substances from which it obtained its arising. 4353 BTG XXXIX
“As regards the second-being-body, namely, the body–Kesdjan, this body, being formed of radiations of other concentrations of Tritocosmoses and of the Sun itself of the given solar system, and having entered after the second process of the sacred Rascooarno into the sphere just mentioned, also begins gradually to decompose, and the crystallizations of which it is composed go in various ways into the sphere of its own primordial arisings. 4355 BTG XXXIX
“But the higher being-body itself, being formed of crystallizations received directly from the sacred Theomertmalogos into the solar system within the limits of which the being arises and where his existence proceeds, can never decompose; and this ‘higher part’ must exist in the given solar system as long as it does not perfect itself to the required Reason, to just that Reason, which makes similar cosmic formations what are called ‘Irankipaekh’, i.e., such formations of the mentioned Most Most Sacred substances as can exist and be independent of Kesdjanian arisings and at the same time not be subject to what are called ‘painful’ influences from any external cosmic factors whatsoever. 4357 BTG XXXIX
“That is why in this case, if this totality of substances of ‘being-Protoëhary’ does not receive foreign help from outside for its further evolution in the common presences of the beings, then both this totality and all the definite centers of gravity of the being-Ansanbaluiazar crystallized up to it always involve back again into those definite cosmic crystallizations from which they began their evolution. 4515 BTG XXXIX
“In the given case, this extraneously caused help for the complete transmutation of cosmic crystallizations through beings into higher crystallizations is the second being-food, which has entirely different causes of its arising and which must actualize entirely different cosmic results. 4527 BTG XXXIX
“Just this same totality of substances which inevitably always arises as the final sum in the presences of all beings from their first being-food, became one of the chief causes of the fact that later, when they ceased to actualize ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ in their common presences, and this totality of cosmic substances in consequence did not receive, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the required foreign help for their completing evolution into other definite higher active elements, it began to involve back in them towards those crystallizations from which their evolution began. And such involutionary processes in them began from this time to serve their common presences as factors which began to engender in their common presences the data for the arising of their innumerable what they call ‘illnesses’, and thus on the one hand began to ‘de-perfect’ their previously established essence-individuality, and on the other hand to shorten the general duration of their existence. 4553 BTG XXXIX
“The point is, that before this terrifying cosmic event of which I am speaking, the sacred Theomertmalogos which issued from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was still in a pure state without the admixture of any extraneously caused arisings whatsoever with their own subjective properties, and when this sacred Theomertmalogos came into the spheres of those planets on which the sacred crystallizations arose and from the results of the transformations of which higher being-bodies were coated and perfected through beings-apparatuses, then these latter received their presences exactly as they had to, to correspond to the required conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute. 4593 BTG XXXIX
‘In other words, every wish of the planetary body is taken as undesirable for the higher divine part which has to be coated and perfected, and therefore all three-centered beings of our Great Megalocosmos constantly carry on a relentless struggle against the wishes of their planetary bodies so that there should be formed in them, in this struggle from the what is called ‘Disputekrialnianfriction’, those sacred crystallizations from which their higher Divine being-part arises and is perfected in them. 4627 BTG XXXIX
“Through the Oonastralnian-arisings there are transformed in their evolutionary or involutionary processes those cosmic crystallizations or ‘active elements’ which obtain their arising only from the substances transformed by that planet itself, on which that kind of surplanctary or intraplanetary formation is formed for the purposes of the common-cosmic Iraniranumange. 4784 BTG XL
“During these researches of theirs, they first of all noticed that this same opium consists of seven independent crystallizations with definite subjective properties. 4800 BTG XL
“And on further and more detailed investigations they definitely constated that each of these seven independent crystallizations of this ‘one whole’, consists in its turn of seven others, also definite crystallizations with their seven independent subjective properties, and these, in their turn, again of seven, and so on almost to infinity. 4802 BTG XL
“And on your planet the genuine learned beings at different periods called by various names these same seven relatively independent crystallizations of different properties or according to their expression active elements, which compose the inner Ansapalnian-octave of their own solar system, the contemporary, as they are called, learned chemists there, however, who are already learned-of-new-formation-of-the-first-water’ call them: ( 1 ) Hydrogen ( 2 ) Fluorine ( 3 ) Chlorine ( 4 ) Bromine ( 5 ) Iodine. 4832 BTG XL
“For the last two definite crystallizations they have no names at all because their names did not reach them from their ancestors, and at the present time they even do not suspect the existence on their planet of these two cosmic substances, although these two cosmic substances are the principal necessary factors for their own existence. 4834 BTG XL
“The action of this organ, as appointed by Great Nature, is that various connective cosmic substances separated by the transformation of the various surplanetary crystallizations which compose the ‘first being-food’, are gathered in it in the form of what are called ‘gases’, in order that later, at the time of the elimination from the common presences of the beings of the already waste residue of the said food, these ‘gases’ should by this pressure assist this act. 5808 BTG XLII
“In this ‘sheep’s-tail fat’ there are no cosmic crystallizations harmful for the common presence of a three-brained being, and it is itself one of the chief products for the first-food of the majority of the beings of these general groups on the continent Asia. But as regards the metal from which these contemporary beings of the continent America prepare cans for the preservation of their products, however completely they may be isolated on the inside from the influence of the atmosphere, they also after a definite time, like the contents of the cans, give off from themselves various of their active elements, some of which are very, as they express it, ‘poisonous’ for the common presences of beings in general. 5841 BTG XLII